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Just a short chapter cause I want to go ahead and get to the juicy part🥲

So it's almost eight o'clock. Vanessa is dress in something comfy cause she doesn't feel like putting sexy clothes on.

"Hey mom, I'm taking Vanessa to her friends house, it's going to be awhile before we get back"

"You two be care you hear. I'll watch your sisters, pretty sure they are asleep"

"Ok, we will" Madelaine nodded grabbing Vanessa's hand and walking her out of the house.

Just before she reached her car she got a call. She took her phone out of her pocket and saw it was Vanessa's father.

"Hey boss" Madelaine said which caught Vanessa's attention.

"Change of plans. My daughter will be staying with you for maybe three or four months. Business down here is moving slower than I thought"

"Oh ok, that's fine"

"That's all I needed to tell you, have a good night" the man said before hanging up.

"What did my father want?" vanessa asked getting in the car.

"He told me you were staying longer"

"How long?" Vanessa questioned as mads started her car.

"Three or four months"

"What!!" The brunette said shocked.

"Uh yea?..what your father didn't tell you how long you were staying" Madelaine said a little confused as she drove off. "Put the address in the gps as well"

"No, he just told me to pack a suitcase" the girl said putting the address in the gps.

"Wow, thought he told you" Madelaine said following the direction shown on the gps.

"No" Vanessa said shaking her head.

«at Camila's house»

"Vanessa you could make it!!" Rachell said opening the door for the girl.

"Yea, bodyguard let me come"

"Girl how did you get out of the house?" Camila said coming up to her.

"My dads not home...where is everyone?" Vanessa said sitting on the couch and Madelaine sat across from her.

"Oh, I just invited my friends...theres three boys in the kitchen and four girls in den" camila explained.

"Oh" Vanessa said seeing a boy walk out the kitchen. He started eyeing her and mads didn't like that not one bit.

"Camila who's the lovely brunette" he said pointing to Vanessa.

"That's Vanessa..Vanessa that's Brian"

"Hey" she said with a smile. The boy sat beside her and rest his arm on the console of the couch behind vanessa.

"Who's the one with the mask"

"That's my friend I decided to bring, she's not supposed to show her face to other people but me"

"Her nickname is daddy red" Rachell said looking at mads.

"Daddy red?" Brian chuckled. "That stupid for a girl"

"No it not you jerk" camila said hitting him in the head. "And move your arm from near vanessa" she said moving it.

Madelaine's blood was boiling so much. She wanted to punch that fuck in the face.

"Are you single or..." he asked Vanessa.

"That's her girlfriend actually" Camila and Rachell said at the same time pointing at mads who was looking at the boy with anger in her eyes.

"Lesbian or bisexual?"

"I'm a lesbian and I don't like you talking to me" vanessa said scooting away from the boy.

"I'll show you what you're missing if you let me" the boy said putting his hand on Vanessa thigh.

At that point Madelaine had enough and got up and went to Vanessa moving her then punching the guy in the face.

When she done that the other two boys came out.

"Yo what the fuck" one said pushing Madelaine.

"Stop" Camila said getting in the middle of the two. "No fights, Vanessa take her to my bathroom and clean up her hand"

Vanessa nodded and escorted Madelaine to cams bathroom.

Once they got in Vanessa closed the door and got out the first aid kit.

"We're leaving once I'm done" vanessa said cleaning off Madelaine hand. "Definitely not staying when that guy is here"

Mads saw how Vanessa was shaking a little.

"Can I kill him" the redhead whispered to Vanessa showing her the gun strap to her waist.

"No..I wish but no"

"I see that he scared you Vanessa. I'm gonna kill him"

"No Madelaine...I'm fine..just take me home" vanessa said wrapping up the girls hand then putting the kit back.

"Come on" the redhead said opening the door for the girl. Vanessa stood very close to mads as the went back into the living room.

"We're gonna go" Vanessa said to her friends.

"I'm sorry that happened to you" camila said coming up to Nessa.

"It fine cams, I'm just gonna go. Text me"

"Ok" the girl said watching as her friend left. "You're such a dick Brian"


"Well I'm not going to anymore parties" vanessa said entering the house.

"You guys are home early" Eleanor said standing up from the couch she was sitting on in the living room.

"A guy tried hitting on Vanessa and I punched him" Madelaine said looking at her mother then vanessa.

"Oh dear are you ok" the lady said worried going to Vanessa.

"I'm fine, I'm just gonna go to bed" vanessa said before walking to her room.

"I'll be sleeping in her room with her so she feels safe" Madelaine said kissing her mom on the cheek.

"Ok, good night" she said watching her daughter walk upstairs.

Before Madelaine went to Vanessa's room she took a shower. Once she was done with that she went to Vanessa's room.

Vanessa got up from her bed and went up the mads and hugged her.

The redhead hugged her back hearing her cry softly.

"I hate men" vanessa sniffed.

"I do too, come on let wipe your face and go to bed"


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