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Vanessa is out of the hospital. She's at home resting. Madelaine hasn't contacted her at all.

Eleanor keeps trying to contact her daughter but nothing. She needs to know why she would leave Vanessa liking this knowing she was pregnant.

"Any luck" Sienna asked.

"No" Eleanor sighed. "Do you have her number save in your phone by any chance?"

"No, Vanessa never gave it to me because she thought I'd contact her"

"That's a good thing. Can I use your phone to call her"

"But wouldn't she just hang up?" Sienna questioned giving Eleanor her phone.

"I was think of your son to talk with her"

"She knows my voice" Theo said getting up from the couch.

"Can you deepen it maybe?"

"Yes, I can try" Theo shrugged taking the phone from Eleanor hitting the call buttom

"Hello?" Madelaine voice said.

"Is this addy" Theo said in a deep voice.

"Uh no buddy, you got the wrong number"

"Oh well would you like to be friends with me? You sound pretty cool"

"Well I don't need any friends. If you don't mind I'm trying to watch my son, we are currently in busy area"

"Oh well um.." Theo said looking at Eleanor and Sienna. Eleanor took the phone from him letting out a sigh.

"Madelaine will you please answer my text and calls. I'm worried about you and Vanessa just got out of the hospital"


"Do you not fuckin realize its your fault" Theo cussed.

"She need you madelaine and you doing this can bring back terrible memories of what her father did to her. Do you really want that to happen to her?" Sienna sighed. "You were the only one that Vanessa would talk about and how much you made her happy and feel safe"

"Look I'm sorry for everything but I'm not coming back"

"What about her pregnancy Madelaine? You were pissed about missing Maeve's growth and now your leaving this one" Eleanor groaned.

"Look mom I'm not coming back, ill just show up at the appointments and the birth" Madelaine said before hanging up.

"She's not coming back is she" Vanessa whispered looking down.

"Oh hun how long were you standing there"

"Long enough to know she's not coming back...If she's not coming back then I don't want the baby" Vanessa said going back up to her room.

Everyone quickly went after her and seen she had a pill in her hand.

"VANESSA NO" Sienna said slapping it out of her hand. "You ARE NOT doing this because she's not coming back"

"Forget about her sis..you don't need her"

"Yes I do! She the first person I've ever fallen in love with" Vanessa cried. "I need her"

"No you don't Vanessa, you do not need her. She has put you through hell and back these past weeks because of you not having the amount of kids she wants" Eleanor said pulling Vanessa into a hug.

Theo sighed taking his mothers phone out his pocket seeing it was recording mysteriously. He tapped Sienna shoulder showing her the video.

"Just know we are always here for you hun, forever and always" Eleanor said rubbing Vanessa's backing making her relax. "Go lay down ok, ill cook you your favorite"

"Ok" Vanessa nodded going to lay down.

"We go a video to send to M" Sienna whispered showing Eleanor the vid.

"Send that to her maybe that'll knock some sense into her" she said picking up the pill and crushed it up before throwing it away along with taking all the other pills so Vanessa wouldn't trying anything while they weren't looking.

"Its been sent" Sienna whispered walking out the bathroom.

"I'm going to stay in here with my sis so she doesn't feel alone" Theo whispered walking out the bathroom.

Eleanor walked out as well and went to go cook Vanessa her favorites.

"Theo is there something wrong with me?"

"What do you mean by that"

"Am I the reason Madelaine left me? Is it because of MY actions. If I would've listened to wha-"

"Don't start with the what if's V. This is your body we are talking about and we don't want you having to go through pain every nine months"


"Mama someone sent you something"kasem said running to Madelaine with her phone.

"Who buddy?"

"I don't know" he said handing the phone to her.

She seen it was from the number her mother called her from. The redhead sighed as she played the video.

"VANESSA NO.....You ARE NOT doing this because she's not coming back"

"Forget about her sis..you don't need her"

"Yes I do! She the first person I've ever fallen in love with....I need her"

"No you don't Vanessa, you do not need her. She has put you through hell and back these past weeks because of you not having the amount of kids she wants"

Madelaine stopped the video and sighed.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea moms ok"

"What about her?" Kasem questioned pointing to the phone.

"She's ok too"

"Ok..can we go to the park?"

"Yea come on" Madelaine said grabbing her keys. They went to her car and got in and went to the park.


After the somewhat long ride they were finally at the park. Kasem was running around playing with the other kids as mads watched him.

"Mind if I sit here?" A girl asked. "All the other spots are gone?"

"No not at all" Madelaine smiled moving over some.

"Nice day isn't it"

"Yep, my son wanted to come here"

"Oh which one is he?"

"The one in the black and green" Madelaine said pointing to him.

"Aww he's cute....I'm Mila by the way"

"Madelaine" she smiled looking at Mila.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes then Madelaine decided to say something.

"Could I get your number? Where we can stay in touch. Maybe become friends?"

"Yea, I'll put it in your phone" Mila smiled with her hand out. Madelaine handed the girl her phone and watched as she put her number in. "Text me anytime, I'm always free"


"Looks like I gotta go, my friends need me" Mila frowned seeing she got a text from her friends.

"Ok we'll see you later"

"Bye" Mila said getting up and walking away. Mads watched as she walked away, she was very pretty.

Her brown orbs, tan skin, freckles, brown hair with the blonde ends. She was pretty and perfect in the redheads eyes.

"Come on Kasem time to go" Madelaine yelled walking towards the playground.

"Awww" the boy frowned going to his mother.

"We'll come back tomorrow ok"


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