Baby Girl

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Owen Grady's childhood was far from enjoyable and he always wanted to make that right by his own child. But with his lifestyle he had never really settled down; he had just been pulled from the Navy and started working at Jurassic World when he met his current girlfriend. He knew that she didn't want kids but he had started to think he wasn't father material so he had nearly given that hope up until his girlfriend came home one day with big news.

"Owen, I'm pregnant," She blatantly told him while he was working on his motorcycle.

Of all the things he was expecting to hear, it wasn't that they were expecting and he choked on his beer. Once he got over his near choking fit, he finally managed to put some sort of sentence together.

"What?" Was all he could think to say.

"Oh, you heard what I said," She said in a pissed tone as she threw an ultrasound picture at him.

He grabbed the picture and looked at it for a moment before looking back at her.

"We're gonna have a baby?" Owen asked, his brain still spinning.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," She said, as she started to go up the stairs.

Owen looked confused and then followed after her into the bungalow.

"What?" He asked.

"Owen, you know I don't want kids," She told him before he walked in front of her forcing her to stop walking away from him.

"And," He said trying to get the whole story.

"I don't want this thing, I think you can put two and two together and see what I'm saying," She said and tried to go around Owen.

"And what about what I want?" Owen asked.

"Doesn't matter, at least not to me," She said as Owen stopped her again.

"Okay, I get you're upset but what about this, I'll make a deal with you if you'll listen," Owen said.

"Spit it out."

"You have that baby, I'll take care of doctor bills, a room for them, everything. After they're born you don't have to see them or me ever again," Owen pleaded.

"Promise?" She asked skeptically.

"I promise!" He said, worried if he waited too long to answer she'd change her mind.

Over the next 7 and a half months, less than a week from 8 months, Owen had kept his promise; he already had a room for the baby. He even planned on building an actual house, or at least something bigger, after the baby was born. His girlfriend refused to let him know the gender. He had just finished up with the Raptors at work and was ready to head home after finishing a few things up. He was nearly done when he heard his phone start ringing, he took it out of his pocket to see that his girlfriend was the one calling him.

"If you wanna be there when your kid is born you might wanna step on it!" She shouted before he could even say anything.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. . . Wait what!?" He was so used to her calling him to complain about being pregnant that he was sure it would be that.

"Your kid is being born, like now," She said more calmly.

"Wait, you're not even 8 months yet."

"That's what I said but apparently it has to be born now or things are gonna go downhill for it quickly," She informed her.

"Okay, I'm on my way," He said, already driving to the hospital on the island.

"That wasn't so hard now was it," She said and then hung up.

Owen just shook his head and kept driving. Thankfully he got to the hospital in time to be there for his child's birth. But not all was going great, at first it was but then it turned out the baby's heart wasn't functioning correctly which was what caused the early birth. About an hour later someone finally came and talked to him.

"Well, you have a daughter and she's alive but we had to take her into surgery. She's in pretty bad shape; she should have been born earlier and she probably would've been in a better condition but we didn't catch it," The doctor told him.

"Can I at least see her?" Owen asked after recovering from what he had been told.

"Yes, of course, you can give her a name if you want," the doctor said and led Owen through the halls to his daughter.

He stood by her for a while before talking to the doctor.

"What's all this going to mean for her?" He asked.

"The next 24 hours will tell us more but she should be able to have a normal childhood however she will have to take different precautions than other children but we can talk about that more later if you just want to be with her for a while," The doctor answered.

Owen nodded his head but didn't say anything.

"Would you like to give her a name?" The doctor asked after a few moments.

He nodded his head again and stood there for a few moments.

"(Y/N), my baby girl," He whispered.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now