I'll Strike A Deal With You Part 2

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A/N: I decided to split this chapter into two because I couldn't do it all in one for one thing. The other 2 reasons are that this is a huge change for both Owen and (Y/N), this causes Owen to question his ability to protect his daughter, and (Y/N) goes through a change mentally that affects how she acts. I'd love to hear your ideas about the story! Now into (Y/N) side of this chapter! Enjoy!

(Y/N) allowed Hoskins to take her out of the control room and down the elevator. Even once he had put his gun away as to not make a big deal in front of all the people in the visitors center she didn't dare to make a move unless it was one he wanted her to make. She kept her head down, she couldn't do anything else, she was scared out of her mind. Hoskins kept a tight grip on her arm that was sure to leave a bruise. She was on the verge of crying, both because of fear and pain. He took her to a vehicle behind the visitors center and began to drive the familiar way to the Raptor pen. 

"What are you gonna do?" (Y/N) asked in a quiet and shaking voice.

"What should've been done a long time ago," Hoskins replied harshly.

"And me?" (Y/N) asked still keeping her head and in the same tone as before.

"As long as Owen does what I want you'll be fine," Hokskins replied sharply, she could tell he didn't like having her around.

They got to the Raptor pen around sunset, men had already started to get the Raptors ready for the mission. Hoskins took her to a small shed where he called over 2 other men.

"Keep her here, don't let her get away from you, I don't care what you have to do, this who plan fails if we can't get Owen to do what we want," Hoskins ordered the men before walking away.

The men grabbed her and practically dragged her into the shed. Before she had been born it had been a storage shed but when she was born it was turned into an area for her for the rare occasions when Owen couldn't find someone to watch her when she was younger. It was small but it was one of the only places in the area that had air conditioning, there were toys, books, blankets, and pillows in there for her. It was a place of safety and a place where she had felt at home when her father couldn't be with her. But as they threw her on the floor and stood near the door with their guns, it became a prison and a place to feel fear. She stayed sitting on the floor where they had thrown her and she kept her head down, fighting back the tears.

Time Jump To After Owen Agreed To Help Hoskins(nothing interesting happens in this time)

(Y/N) still hadn't moved and neither had her guards when Hoksins came into the shed.

"Owen agreed and we're ready to go, take her with you, make sure Owen doesn't try to go against us," Hoskins ordered.

They nodded their heads and one of them grabbed her arm again, which was sore from being grabbed so much and from her being thrown around. As they took her to a vehicle she saw the Raptors and then for a split second she saw her father, he was facing a different direction. He wasn't far from her and she managed to slip out of the man's grip and run. She couldn't run fast enough and they caught her quickly but they didn't cover her mouth soon enough to completely muffle her cry for her father. It was muffled enough that only an experienced ear could tell what it was other than that it just sounded like a normal shout. They dragged her into the truck and only gripped onto her harder the more she kicked and fought. 

Owen heard part of her cry and had quickly whipped around and the sound of her scared voice. He turned around just in enough time to get a glimpse at her as she was dragged into the truck. The panic in his eyes was evident, there was nothing he could do, he was outnumbered. He knew that in the jungle he could easily get her away from them.

They threw her onto the metal floor of the truck, she banged her head off the floor, they had thrown her forwards so she ended up with a cut along her hairline by her forehead on the left side. They just glared at her.

"That was dumb, do that again and it won't end so well," One of the threatened.

"I just want my Daddy, I wanna go home," (Y/N) whimpered, still refusing to cry and give them that satifaction.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now