Enter: The Chaos Maker

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After a few moments, Owen turned to the security guard, (Y/N) stayed frozen in her spot.

"Is there a way into the cage other than the big door?" Owen asked.

"Yeah, I can take you there if you really want to," The security guard replied.

Owen nodded his head and began to make his way to the exit door of the observation area.

"You're not really gonna go in there are you?" (Y/N) asked in a panicked tone.

"I have to, we have to figure out if she really got out," Owen replied.

"Please don't," (Y/N) begged.

"I'll be back soon, just stay here okay," Owen said, he didn't really want to go either but they needed to figure this out.

She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Come back, please," (Y/N) whispered in his ear.

He nodded his head before leaving.

(Y/N) stood there for a few moments before going back over the window and she watched as they arrived at the wall unharmed and with no sign of the dinosaur. She had her hand on the glass and she watched nervously as Owen put his hand on the wall, she couldn't hear them so she just watched, suddenly her bad feeling overwhelmed her. She turned around only to see something moving in the trees, it took her a few moments before she could make out the shape of the dinosaur that they had been looking for, it hadn't noticed her but had it's eyes set on the group of men at the wall. Fear shot through her body but she quickly shook it off enough to begin shouting for her father in the hopes of warning him, she even began to bang her hand against the glass trying to pull their attention from the wall.

Down with Owen and the security guards:

"That wall's 40 feet high, you really think she could've climbed out?" The security guard asked.

"Depends," Owen replied in a dark tone.

"On what?"

"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab," Owen replied in the same dark tone.

Then the radio of the security guard who had showed Owen the way into the cage began to make noise, it was almost all static so they only caught a few letters of a few words. Something didn't feel right for Owen, it hadn't since they arrived but something was wrong, if that thing was out why would the construction workers be all calm and still there? While the security guard was trying to get his radio to work clearly Owen heard some sort of noise from the observation area and turned around to see what was going on. Once she had his attention (Y/N) stopped making noise but instead pointed into the jungle, he followed where she was pointing and quickly understood her panicked expression.

Just as he saw it begin to move in the trees the radio rang loud and clear.

"It's in the cage! It's in there with you!"

The side door wasn't far and opening the big door would cause bigger problems, they made a run for the small door truly believing they could make it. But with the camouflage the dino also looked as it if we're further away but once it revealed itself they saw it was much closer than they had expected. For a moment Owen and the more fit security guard froze then began to run back towards the bigger door. Owen could hear the security guard meet his maker as the dino grabbed into him and ripped him apart.

He ran as fast as he could and stole a glance at (Y/N) for what he thought would be his last time and the terrified look on her face was enough to push him the last stretch of the way through the door. Unfortunately, it closed onto the Indominous and the huge dino easily pushed it open, now the beast was free.

He slid under a construction vehicle and watched as the hybrid ate the remaining security guard. He quickly rolled over and sliced the gas line for the vehicle and smeared it on himself in order to his his sent and heat signature. The creature got down on all fours and began to sniff around searching for the third person she knew was somewhere. Eventually, she gave up and stomped away. Owen watched her go, shaking slightly, this was one of the few times in his life he was truly terrified. After she was gone he laid his head back down and let out the breath he had been holding. Then he snapped his head back up.

"(Y/N)!" Owen cried as he began to get out from underneath the vehicle and run back to the stairs.

A/N: Leave any ideas/suggestions in the comments!😁

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