Stay With Him

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(Y/N) had made her way out of the medical area by the time everyone started to move to the main outpost. She watched most of the team panic as the footsteps got closer, but after living in the valley for as long as she had she could tell what dinosaur it was. Any doubts she had vanished when Storm stepped out of the trees and scan the area until his eyes found her. (Y/N) smiled, trying not to laugh at the looks on everyone's faces, then she saw Owen move to raise his gun. 

"Wait! He won't hurt anyone!" (Y/N) called out, taking a few steps forward.

"Probably," (Y/N) finished her sentence in her head.

"He's a dinosaur!" Someone objected.

"His name is Storm," (Y/N) snapped back. 

(Y/N) walked up to him and he lowered his head closer to her level. He had a cut on his nose but it was barely bleeding anymore, his claws and teeth were also stained with blood.

"Looks like you put up quite a fight," (Y/N) commented.

She could feel everyone staring at her and after a few moments, she turned to face them.

"He's Amethyst's younger brother," (Y/N) stated.

All that earned her was even more confused looks.

"The other Giganotosaurus," (Y/N) sighed.

"Uh-huh," Avery said slowly.

(Y/N) watched them stare at her for a few more seconds.

"What are you still confused about?" (Y/N) asked.

"You're standing two feet away from one of the largest predators on the planet, it's a lot to take in," Owen explained.

"So, how did you find them?" James finally asked.

"I found their eggs in a nest with another dead Giganotosaurus," (Y/N) said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Storm and I have an understanding with each other. Amethyst on the other hand kinda wants both of us dead," (Y/N) continued.

"And Storm protects you from Amethyst?" Noah asked.

"Yep," Then (Y/N) made eye contact with Owen, "and he never abandoned me."

Before anyone could say anything else Storm stood back up, looking down at (Y/N). She nodded at him and he began to walk away, she followed closely behind him. 

"(Y/N)," Owen called out.

(Y/N) stopped for a second to face him, "I'm going with him, you can't stop me."

Owen watched her turn and follow him into the forest.

"You're not going to follow her?" Avery asked.

Owen waited until the pair was out of earshot to answer, "Of course I am. But she knows this place best, if she knows I'm following them she could disappear into the forest."

"If she stays with Storm she'll be easy to follow, she knows that. But she won't leave him, she needs his protection. She knows something we don't, something's gonna happen and she wants to be there for it," Owen thought as he followed them into the forest. 

He kept his distance but was sure that Storm could still smell him, any time (Y/N) tried to walk next to him instead of behind him, he cut her off with his tail. The sun was starting to set and a storm was rolling in when they reached the main lake in the valley. Storm poked his head out of the trees and looked around before slowly wandering into the open. (Y/N) had picked up on the fact that something was definitely off, it was too quiet. Storm wandered up to the lake, (Y/N) lagging behind him now. A roar echoed through the forest off to their left and seconds later Amethyst emerged from the trees, staring her brother down. Storm turned to face her.

"They've never fought back to back like this. Is this it? What if he can't win?" (Y/N) thought, frozen in place. 

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now