One Final Chance

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Nearly a year had gone by since the Biosyn sanctuary had been abandoned. Owen was sitting at the table, staring intently at something on his phone when there was a knock on the door.

"Owen, can you get the door?" Claire called from where she was in the other room with Maisie.

After a minute she called again.

"Owen!" Claire shouted.

He snapped his head up, "What?" 

"Get the door!"

"Who are you and what do you want?" Owen snapped after he opened the door, not recognizing the man he was met with.

"I-I'm part of a group that oversees the protection of Biosyn valley," the man stuttered.

As soon as Owen heard Biosyn valley he was invested in whatever this person had to say.

"And?" Owen asked quickly, stepping out of the house and shutting the door behind him.

"We've decided to send in a small survey team to check on things around the facility and get an idea of how many dinosaurs are living in the valley," The man paused.

Owen simply nodded, urging him to continue.

"On the functioning security cameras we've notice some. . . Strange things."

"Such as?" Owen questioned, nervousness and excitement building in him.

"Things the dinosuars couldn't cause. The chances are slim but there is still a chance that your daughter could be alive. I pitched the idea to our team of decision makers and they feel it could be benificial for both sides if you were allowed to join our group and search for your daughter as long as you agree to follow our guide lines," The man concluded.

"What's your name?" Owen asked.

"Um, Avery," The man answered, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Alright Avery, when do we leave?" Owen asked, extending his hand for a shake.

"3 days, I'll email you the information," Avery answered, shaking his hand. 

Owen smiled at him, the first genuine smile he'd had in a long time because he was finally getting the chance he'd been fighting so long for. After Avery left Owen went back inside and was immediately faced with Claire. 

"Are you really going to go?" Claire asked.

"Of course I'm going, why wouldn't I?" Owen questioned.

"You're chasing a fantasy, I understand you don't want to give up but you need to realize that this is going too far," Claire tried to reason.

"I finally have a chance to get some closure, one way or another, you won't take that from me," Owen declared.

"Please don't do this," Claire said.

"Why?" Owen asked.

"They can look for you! It's been almost a year, what if she's dead and you're the one who finds her, you won't recover from that!" Claire explained.

"You don't know that! I need to know what happened to her!" Owen shouted.

A few hours later he got the email he had been promised. 

Dear Mr. Grady,

A flight will leave at 10 am exactly 3 days from now, for confidentiality reasons you won't recieve the locating until later. The team consists of 2 survey experts, 2 veterinarians specializing in dinosaurs, 2 medics, and myself. While rest of the team will be armed with tranqualizer darts you have been permitted a gun of your choice and a knife. You may bring your own or we will supply them for you. 



He stormed off into (Y/N)'s room, avoiding Claire for the next 3 days. When it finally came time for him to leave she confronted him at the door.

"If you do this, we won't be here when you get back," Claire declared.

"Then there's really no choice. If those are the options, I never want to see you again," Owen said and walked out the door, not looking back. 

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now