Get To The Boat

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(Y/N) didn't like being at the docks, everyone ignored her or yelled at her for being in the way so she went far away from the whole operation, sitting at the edge of the concrete dock watching the water gently move up and down with the waves. Something about the way they were treating the dinos didn't seem right, they had no patience, just moving them from one cage to another not really caring whether they were hurting the poor creatures or not. She watched the operation and slowly figured out who was in charge while Ken was gone, there were two main men who were directing everyone else and shouting harsh orders. When they walked away she followed them, making sure they didn't see her, she heard them on the phone with someone.

"We've got the Raptor, those other ones better be ready to go when we get there, we won't have much time before this whole island is gonna explode," The man on the phone said.

"They'll be ready, what are you gonna do about the dino lovers?" One of the men in charge asked.

"Already taken care of, and if anyone asks, there were complications and they had to be left behind," The man on the phone said menacingly.

"What about the girl?" 

"We can't risk having a related survivor, find some way to ditch her on the island and make a good excuse, it'll draw some attention that a little kid burned up on the island."

Now she was torn between finding her Dad and keeping her promise to get off the island. By the way, they were talking she began to doubt whether he was even alive anymore, in the end, she decided to keep her promise. In the rush to get everything ready to go it was easy for them to lose track of her, which made it perfect for sneaking onto the ship and hiding away near some of the dinos that had already been loaded on. She could hear when the volcano began to erupt and the rush to get everything on the boat. 

Meanwhile with Owen, Claire, and Franklin on the rock:

"They have Zia, they're loading out," Owen said.

"If they already had the dinosaurs why did they need us?" Claire asked.

"They needed the tracking system to capture Blue. There she is, she don't look good," Owen said after spotting Blue.

He continued to look around, searching for something, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who he was looking for.

"You would think I woulda learned last time about splitting us up on the island," Owen thought when he couldn't find her.

"We gotta get on that boat," Owen finally said.

"The rock's good, we're safe on the rock," Franklin said nervously.

"It's the boat or the lava Franklin," Claire said following Owen off the rock.

"Alright, the boat's good. I'm all about the boat," Franklin said following them.

After going through mini hell they finally made it onto the boat in time to watch the Brachiosaurus through closing doors, in that moment everyone began to realize how heartbreaking their mission could be.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now