Well This Is Awkward

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*Slight spoilers maybe?*

"I don't understand why we have to do this," (Y/N) said with a hint of annoyance as she put another box in the back of the vehicle.

"Because we're responsible for Maisie now, and it can't just be her and Claire in case something happens," Owen explained.

It had been nearly 3 months since (Y/N) had been released from the hospital. Owen had pushed off joining Claire and Maisie for long enough. Not only was he trying to take care of Maisie but their new home would be more secluded so it would be safer for (Y/N) too. She hadn't taken the news very well, he didn't know whether they'd ever come back here, she never got to stay anywhere home was for very long. 

"This is the best way to protect her, I can't risk losing her again. Even if she hates it now, she'll see that soon. And if she doesn't, at least she'll be safe,"  Owen thought to himself.

(Y/N) still had yet to meet Maisie so on the drive there Owen broke the silence.

"You'll like Maisie, you two are a lot alike. She's two years older than you, maybe it'll be kind of like having an older sister," Owen said.

(Y/N) simply continued to stare out the window of the vehicle without giving the slightest reaction. 

"You're gonna have to at least give this a chance," Owen continued.

Again, she gave no reaction.

"(Y/N)," Owen called.

"I heard you," (Y/N) finally said.

"Can you at least give this a chance?" Owen asked.

She simply nodded and went back to staring out the window. There was nothing but silence for the rest of the trip; it was dark by the time they arrived. Owen was greeted by Claire as soon as he got out of the vehicle. 

"Thank you for coming. How is she taking it?" Claire asked, nodding to (Y/N) who was just getting out of the vehicle.

"Not well, it's a big change for her, especially after everything that's happened," Owen answered.

"Owen!" Maisie called enthusiastically, quickly going down the stairs before hugging him.

"Hey kid, how ya been?" Owen asked after they had separated. 

"Lonely. Who's that?" Maisie asked after seeing (Y/N).

"That's my daughter, (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Maisie," Owen introduced.

They both waved a little awkwardly at each other. 

"Why don't you two go inside and talk, I think we can manage unloading things," Claire suggested.

Maisie turned to go back in almost immediately but (Y/N) was a little more hesitant.

"Go ahead, you'll be fine," Owen reassured her.

After another moment of hesitation (Y/N) followed Maisie into the house. 

"Well, that was only extremely awkward," Owen commented after the door closed behind her.

"It'll get better, I hope," Claire said, keeping the last part under her breath.

Inside the cabin it was even more awkward, the two girls stood around glancing around the cabin and at each other for a few moments. 

"So, what do you like to do?" Maisie finally asked.

"Read, do puzzles, go sledding, all that sort of stuff. You?" (Y/N) answered shyly.

"I just like to be outside," Maisie answered.

They managed to keep the conversation going for most of the night, and by the end of it, they got along pretty well. Oh the trouble they'll cause. . .

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now