Chaos On Main Street

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      They started to run but Delta jumped through the glass and then had to go back the way they came. As they ran through the main part of the Visitors Center Gray hit the hologram feature causing a Raptor to pop up which distracted Delta long enough for them to get out the door. Blue blocked them from going down Main Street, Echo blocked them from going off to the side and Delta came out the doors and blocked the other side of them, they had nowhere to go, even if they tried to go back into the Visitors Center they’d never make it in time. Faced with no other choice, Owen began to slowly and cautiously approach Blue.
    “That’s how it is?” Owen half asked half said to Blue as he got closer.
    (Y/N) was hiding behind the rest of the group but could still see everything that was happening. Owen stretched out his hand and turned one of the knobs on Blue’s headset and it fell to the ground.
    “That's it,” Owen said before backing away.
    Then the Indominous came around the corner and walked down Main Street. When she felt she was close enough she roared to Blue quietly. Blue turned to Owen and chirped before turning back to the Indominous and roaring in defiance. The Indominous hit her into a nearby building knocking her out before facing the group of humans and Raptors again. Owen looked to the Raptors before whistling and they began to attack the hybrid that they had been serving not long ago. Claire and her nephews began to run away from the fight and Owen made sure (Y/N) stayed with them before beginning to fire at the Indominous.
    (Y/N) stayed with them but as soon as they got to their destination she watched her father, at least until Claire pulled back against the back wall with the boys.
    “24, 50. We need more,” Gray said simply.
    “More what?” Claire asked slightly out of breath and completely confused.
    “Teeth, we need more teeth,” Gray clarified.
    It all seemed to click in her head and she grabbed a flare and walkie-talkie.
“Okay, so you guys stay here. It’s gonna be fine,” Claire said before running off, (Y/N) still had a feeling that it was still going to get worse from here.
It wasn’t long before Owen joined them, for the first time, even though her father was right next to her, (Y/N) still didn’t feel safe. By this time the Indominous had discovered their hiding place and was now searching for a snack. The first few times it got nothing but then it managed to catch the strap of Gray’s fanny pack. Zach managed to unclip it and the claw retreated, now the Indominous was getting upset that it couldn’t seem to achieve its goal. Owen managed to pull (Y/N) closer to him just in time the next time it went after something. Then there was the thunderous sound of the footsteps of a large dinosaur. . .

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, I really wanted to get one out today and the next chapter will hopefully wrap up the Jurassic World portion of this story. I’m still taking suggestions for both of my Owen Grady X Daughter Reader stories!

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