What Now?

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As Storm and Amethyst grew (Y/N) became more independent. Were there days she missed Owen? Yes, but she was convinced he had left her, he had chosen another family over her. Storm and her had an understanding similar to Owen and his Raptors. Storm recognized her as a caretaker and therefore gave her protection, they weren't together 24/7 but it was unusual to see them apart. If a dinosaur in the valley so much as looked at (Y/N) wrong Storm was on their tail, literally and metaphorically. Amethyst quickly became a problem, seeing her younger brother as a rival the two would often get into battles that left one or both of the bloody. After a few months, she began to go after (Y/N) as well as a way of luring Storm into a fight. If he was gone for more than a day at a time (Y/N) would eventually find him laying in the forest, a bloody mess, but the trail of blood that went in the opposite direction signaled that he hadn't let his sister go without a fight. 

(Y/N) spent her 13th birthday with Storm, she managed to find a candle to blow out but that was about it. Storm wandered around the front of the main center while she cried on the steps. By this time he was a little over half the size of his mother, as was Amethyst. Storm turned his head to look back at her, even though he didn't understand the situation he could tell something was bothering her. He walked past her and laid down on the top of the stairs behind her. 

"I've got you, what do I need him for?" (Y/N) said, looking back at Storm, wiping the tears off her face.

When Owen and the survey team arrived in the valley Storm and Amethyst were nearly full grown and (Y/N) had no problems surviving on her own. Although, her gunshot wound still caused her pain since it hadn't healed properly. She didn't know who was in the valley or why or if they could be trusted. She decided to try and figure out what they were up to and use that information to decide whether to show herself. At this point, she wasn't sure if she wanted to leave, sure it was dangerous in the valley but over the past year it had become home. She hadn't been able to find them without exposing herself when Amethyst caught her without Storm. (Y/N) knew the valley like the back of her hand and ran straight for the thickest part of the forest as soon as Amethyst started to chase her, hoping to lose the large dinosaur in the tangles of trees and bushes. Amethyst got caught often but still stayed close behind (Y/N), she knew her whistles that Storm would recognize as her needing help would be drowned out by all the noise. She ended up on a path that had been carved through the forest by herds of herbivores. Amethyst roared behind her as (Y/N) caught her foot on a tree root and fell to the ground. She turned over to see the carnivore towering over her and then, a sound that haunted her dreams. A gunshot. 

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now