Just A Blur

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Owen was bound and determined to save her no matter what it took.

"Don't take her, if you're gonna take someone take me but just let her live," Owen thought over and over again, that thought being one of the only ones his mind could process.

He felt broken and lost and scared, he didn't know how to live without her, all the little things that he never realized he would miss so much. Her smile, her laugh, the way she couldn't just watch a movie, she had to analyze it, the way she faked being upset, the nights he would stay by her bed when she was sick just to make sure she was okay, the way she would curl up with her blanket at night if she was cold instead of just using her other blankets, every little thing about her. Every thought gave him more new motivation, he wasn't going to let this be the end. He lost track of time, not that he ever had any track of it, but something snapped him back into reality. It was barely noticeable but it didn't come close to slipping by him even in the state he was in. She was breathing again, just barely but she was breathing and that was all that mattered to him at that point. He was so out of it by that point that he couldn't think of anything to do but hold her close in his arms, gently rocking back and forth. He could hear the distant sound of sirens.

"Just hold on a little longer baby," Owen said gently.

Everything was a blur after that, he didn't want to let her go but he had to so they could help her, he knew people were talking to him but he could only process questions about (Y/N). He could vaguely recall how they were trying to stop all the bleeding and keep her breathing on the ride to the hospital. But now, he sat alone in a waiting room, completely out of it. He had his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees, looking down at the floor. He felt like he wanted to throw up, scream, cry, and pass out all at the same time. Instead of doing any of those things his mind brought him back in time, to a happier time. 

They were his own memories but he didn't feel like he was reliving it, just there to watch. At first, it was just dark and quiet, then he heard the little screech that (Y/N) had always made when she was finally starting to figure out standing. Then the color of the memory came back and he was watching the whole thing unfold again. It was early in the morning, Owen was sitting at the table watching (Y/N) in her little boxed-in play area on the floor. She had gotten pretty good at using the hard plastic walls of the area to pull herself to her feet. He found it pretty fun to watch, she would get up, make her little half screech, half-laugh sound, then look around, let go with one hand, then she'd fall back down onto the padded ground, get upset because she wasn't standing and start the whole thing over again. Sometimes she'd just stand there staring at him, smiling.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you it's rude to stare?" Owen had joked.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now