This Is Not Good

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Maisie took the lead in storming back to the house. (Y/N) picked up her pace to catch up and keep up with her. 

"Hey, what's up?" Claire asked as Maisie burst in, followed closely by (Y/N).

Maisie and (Y/N) walked past her, (Y/N) glanced back at Claire for a second as Maisie led her into her room, slamming the door behind them. 

"Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked as Maisie opened her back door.

"Maisie? Maisie?" Claire called opening the door as the two kids went out the back door.

"Okay. Where are you two going?" Claire asked, cutting them off at the front door as they grabbed their bikes. 

"You can't keep us here. You're not my mother," Maisie snapped.

Maisie got on her bike and started peddling away. 

"(Y/N)," Claire called as she started to move to get on her bike. 

(Y/N) turned and looked at her, giving a short second of hesitation. Then she turned, got on her bike, and followed Maisie. 

"He won't miss me, he's barely noticed me in the past 4 years," (Y/N) thought.

"Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked once they were far enough away from Claire.

"Away from here," Maisie replied simply.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the bridge, they glanced at each other when they saw the woman standing on the other side of the bridge. They slowed to a stop about halfway across the bridge. 

"Who are you?" Maisie called skeptically.

(Y/N) turned to look back at the sound of a motor behind them, mixed in with Beta's cries. 

"This is bad. Really bad," (Y/N) thought.

A man got out of the truck, "We don't wanna hurt you, we just wanna go for a little trip."

He grabbed Maisie first, pulling her off her bike. She tried to fight him but it wasn't an even fight. 

"Let me go!" Maisie shouted as he tied her hand behind her back.

She was still shouting and fighting when he pushed her into the back seat of the truck. (Y/N) had already ditched her bike but she was cornered. She ran towards the end of the bridge the woman was blocking hoping she'd be easier to get past. But the man behind her caught up to her before she got far. She fought him as hard as Maisie had but ended up in the backseat of the truck all the same. 

Owen had seen them take Beta and narrowly avoided a bullet and had figured that wouldn't be the end of it. He made it to a clearing at the top of a hill in time to see Maisie's bike being thrown from the bridge. He didn't bother saying anything, he just turned and ran back to the cabin.

"Please tell me (Y/N) wasn't with her," Owen thought.

"CLAIRE!" Owen shouted, finally making it back to the cabin.

He burst in, not bothering to shut the door behind him, making his way to the metal cabinet.

"They found her!" Owen said simply.

 "What? Who are they?" Claire asked.

"Poachers, they must've recognized me and followed me here. Claire, did (Y/N) go with Maisie?" Owen asked desperately.

"Yes," Claire answered simply.

"And you just let them leave?" Owen snapped, getting his rifle out.

"What was I supposed to do?" Claire asked.

"Something!" Owen snapped again, loading his rifle.

"Go get the truck!" Owen ordered.

Claire went out the door to get the vehicle but stopped when Blue, who was clearly pissed, started growling at her. 

"Owen!" Claire called.

Owen came out the door and almost immediately put his hand up. 

"Hey," Owen called out, slowly dropping his gun and walking towards Blue.

"They took her kid too," Owen said.

Blue roared furiously at him. 

"I am going to get her back. I promise you that," Owen said.

Blue growled and then snapped at Owen's hand, cutting it. Owen quickly took a step back, pulling his injured hand away and putting his other one up. Blue growled again before taking off into the woods again. 

"Come on! I know who to call," Claire called heading to the vehicle. 

Owen looked into the woods for a moment before following Claire. 

A/N: Thank you to those who left suggestions on the last chapter, I really appreciate it! (Y/N) feeling unnoticed due to the presence of Maisie was one of the original ideas I had for this story but scrapped it during the Fallen Kingdom portion since it didn't fit in with how I set it up and I wasn't sure if it would fit in here so I just kinda threw it in there and someone even suggested it so I decided to keep it. I am still taking suggestions. Also, kinda random but I wanna change my Wattpad username to something more unique and meaningful but I don't know what to change it to. Again, thank you guys for the suggestions, reads, and votes, it really does mean the world to me!

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now