The Original Chaos Maker

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    A flare hit the Indominous which make her turn to face the direction it had come from. Owen did the same and saw Claire soon followed by a T-Rex busting through the Spinosaurus skeleton with her signature roar. The Indominous roared back at her and they began to fight, making a swift mess of Main Street. (Y/N) was slightly unaware of what was going on with the rest of the group because she was so caught up in watching the fight. But when the brawling dinos got closer she quickly went to her father's side. Her ears were left ringing before the T-Rex's jaws snapped shut on nothing mere inches from her.
    "Run!" Claire's voice rang out over the chaos.
    Owen pushed Gray, Zach, and (Y/N) out in front of him but (Y/N) fell behind and with all the chaos it slipped by Owen that she had fallen behind. (Y/N) was still close enough that when Rexy was slammed down onto the ground the impact knocked her over. The Indominous pinned Rexy down with one of her feet to make sure she couldn't move and then turned to (Y/N). By this time Owen was too far away to do anything except watch.
    (Y/N) was frozen with fear as its jaws parted slightly, all she could do was sit on the ground and wait. Then there was Raptor cry, everyone turned to see Blue quite literally leaping into action. With the Indominous thrashing around (Y/N) couldn't get to the rest of the group and Owen couldn't get to her, they had to run or get crushed. Owen lost track of where (Y/N) went, he blamed himself for everything that had happened to her today. (Y/N) went back to where Main Street ended near the Visitors Center and watched the fight as well as Owen.
    After the Indominous had been dragged into the water by the Mosasaurus and Rexy had left Owen didn't waste a moment before searching for his daughter.
    "(Y/N)!" Owen called out as he began to run down Main Street.
    He eventually found her sitting on the ground crying. He gently picked her up and she buried her head in his shoulder, still crying.
    "Hey, it's okay. It's over. We're okay," Owen whispered to her in hopes of comforting her, after all she had seen and all she had been through he knew there wasn't much that would cheer her up.
    "Where are we gonna go?" (Y/N) asked turning to face him.
    "Don't worry about that, I know where we can go," Owen told her.
    She refused to let go even once they were off the island, everyone that was affected by the events of what had happened was supposed to stay in the same general area until the Masrani Foundation could figure out what to do with the lawsuits, medical bills, workers, and their boss being dead. Workers, who were now technically former workers, were put in hotels after physical check-ups for themselves as well as any family that was on the island, everything was taken care of by the Masrani Foundation. Even though she could've slept by herself (Y/N) slept with Owen, it reassured both of them that each other were okay. She woke more than a few times screaming or crying or both. When that happened it was impossible to get her back to sleep that night and eventually she couldn't sleep at all, she was scared to even close her eyes. After a few days Owen actually had to take her back to the hospital and they had to sedate her just so she could get some sleep, they send her back to the hotel with some meds to help her sleep but Owen knew it wouldn't do much good. . .

A/N: All the parts between now and Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom are currently being moved to a different story to cut down on the parts in this story, if you'd like to read them go read Between Worlds (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)!

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