One Crazy Son Of A. . .

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Something about the way that Hoskins had looked at her had (Y/N) nervous and scared, all she wanted was to be back with her Dad and off the island. Suddenly, Lowrey's phone began to ring again.

"Lowrey, we found her. Between the old park and the Aviary," Claire quickly informed from the other end of the line.

"Wait, are you following the dinosaur?" Lowrey asked.

"Yes. Now get ACU out here, real guns this time," Claire ordered.

"ACU is airborne. They took the helicopter," Lowrey informed her.

"What? Who's flying it?" Claire asked.

"Ah, that would be Mr. Masrani," Lowrey replied.

"Is he crazy? He doesn't have his license yet," Claire asked.

"It was that or let Hoskins use the Raptors, and he knew that was a worse idea," Lowrey replied.

They could hear Masrani making small talk with the men he had taken with him in the control room. 

At The Aviary:

Owen and Claire watched as the Indominous got closer to the glass cage, after it had practically torn apart the old visitors center they had no doubt that the glass was no match for it. They also watched as the bullets missed the Indominous in a slightly embarrassing way (seriously how do you miss that much). Then it broke through the glass with ease, releasing the dinos inside who went straight for the helicopter. They easily took the helicopter down and then moved on to go towards the park and Owen and Claire. 

"The tress! Go! Go!" Owen ordered Claire. 

They just made it to the tree cover before the dinos reached them. 

"I'm so done with this day," Owen moaned from the ground.

"We have to get back to the park," Claire said.

"Ya think?" Owen asked, he really was done with that day, he just wanted to get his daughter safely off the island.

Back At The Control Room:

"Simon Masrani's death was a tragedy. The new mission is to prevent further loss of life," Hoskins announced as he brought a whole team of people into the control room.

"Who are these guys?" Lowrey asked as he glanced around uneasily at all of the men.

"I'm glad you asked. You're all relieved of duty. There's a new team on the ground," Hoskins basically ordered.

Most of the people complied, some stayed, Lowrey and Vivian, being two of them. Hoskins made his way over to them but mostly towards (Y/N). He knelt down to her level before speaking to her.

"I've been thinking and you know something? You were right. Your father won't help me, not unless I have a way to make him. That's why you're coming with me. Now," Hoskins told her before trying to make her leave with him.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" (Y/N) retaliated.

"She's right, you can't just take her," Lowrey said.

"Well, I'm in charge right now, and I'm taking her whether you want me to or not," Hoskins said.

(Y/N) grounded herself, refusing to move.

"You're coming with me," Hoskins practically threatened.

"No. I'm not, I don't wanna go anywhere with you," (Y/N) said, she refused to go anywhere with him.

"You don't have a choice," Hoskins replied, fed up, he pulled his pistol on her.

Everyone froze, this time when Hoskins grabbed her arm she didn't fight back, she just went with him. 

Back With Claire And Owen Who Have Now Found Claire's Nephews (the kiss didn't happen):

Claire had just begun calling Lowrey once again. 

"Lowrey, we're heading back your way now," Claire informed him.

"That's a bad idea. The board assigned emergency ops to iNGen's private security division. This guy Hoskins is in charge. And he has this insane plan to use the Raptors to hunt the Indominus," Lowrey whispered sharply.

"What do you mean use the Raptors?" Claire asked, simultaneously informing Owen of Hoskins's plan.

"And he took (Y/N)," Lowrey said trying to be quiet enough so that Owen wouldn't hear.

But he did and he took the phone from Claire.

"You wanna say that again?" Owen more ordered than asked in a very pissed-off tone.

"He took (Y/N)," Lowrey replied in a slightly nervous and scared tone.

"And you just let him take her?!" Owen scolded.

"We didn't let him, she tried not to go, and we tried to stop him but he pulled a gun on her," Lowrey replied.

Owen went silent, Claire knew that he was closer to crying now than he had been in years. Eventually, he gathered himself enough to speak again.

"He pulled a gun on my daughter?" Owen asked in a shaky voice.

"Yes sir," Lowrey confirmed.

Owen just nodded his head and then hung up and threw the phone back at Claire before walking away from them. He walked the opposite way of everyone, which meant he was going towards the Visitors Center. Claire, Zach, and Grey kept an eye on him from a distance. He walked to the wall of a building and leaned up against it before collapsing to the ground, completely breaking down. 

"This is all my fault, I never should have left her. If anything happens to her. . ." Owen thought to himself. 

These thoughts only caused him to cry more. After a few moments, he wiped the tears from his eyes and face and rose to his feet again. He went back to Claire and her nephews and kept walking past them.

"Come on! We're gonna stop this crazy son of a bitch," Owen ordered. . .

Comment what you think is gonna happen to little (Y/N) Grady and what you think Owen's gonna do about it!

A/N: Still taking story chapter suggestions, would love to hear what you guys wanna see! 

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