The Chain Of Chaos Begins. . .

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It was a silent drive home, Owen didn't know what to say and (Y/N) didn't want to talk at all anymore. To be honest, Owen had never truly realized that if something happened to him she would be left alone, obviously, he had thought about it but never realized she had figured it out or that it was a real possibility until today. Normally the drive home went by fast but this time it went by uncomfortably slow. When they did get home (Y/N) didn't even bother to wait for Owen. She made it to the stairs before Owen caught up with her. 

"(Y/N), hey, we need to talk," Owen said gently grabbing her hand, stopping her from getting any further than the first step.

She turned to face him but refused to speak. He got down to her level and took her hands in his.

"You know your always my first priority right?" Owen asked.

She tried to look away from him but he turned her head back to face him again. He searched her eyes for any sort of reply when he found none he continued.

"Whether you know it or not you are. You mean the world to me, you always have. I know why you got scared today, I would've been too. But you need to know that no matter what happens I'm always gonna be looking out for you, I don't like ending up in a situation like that either, I was scared too. But I'm okay, I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon," Owen told her gently.

Again she stayed silent but tears began to roll down her cheeks. 

"You know I love you right?" Owen asked as he wiped her tears away.

This time she nodded her head and gave him a little smile, he smiled back at her before pulling her into a hug. Unfortunately, the moment was cut short by the sound of another car pulling up. Owen let go of her before standing up and turning around to see who had arrived.

"What does she want now?" Owen asked himself when he saw that it was Claire. 

"Mr. Grady I need you to come look at something," Claire said as she walked towards him.

"He prefers Owen," (Y/N) called over her shoulder as she went up the rest of the stairs. 

"She's right," Owen said with a matter-of-fact tone in his voice. 

"If you're not too busy," Claire continued giving a sideways glare to (Y/N).

"I'm pretty busy," Owen replied as he began to fidget with his motorcycle.

"We have an attraction," Claire said.

"That's what you said the last time I saw you," Owen replied smugly.

"I'm talking about the dinosaurs Mr. Grady," Claire said getting slightly annoyed with him.

"Owen," He corrected slightly cutting her off.

"A new species we've made," Claire continued seemingly ignoring the interruption as she began to fight with a bug, which Owen took care of for her.

"You just went and made a dinosaur?" Owen asked, walking away from her.

"Yeah it's kinda what we do here," Claire replied.

"Don't you have enough dinosaurs to keep track of?" (Y/N) asked, she was never answered.

"The exhibit opens to the public in 3 weeks and Mr. Masrani would like to take a look at it," Claire continued.

"Why me?" Owen asked and he went up the stairs of the bungalow which was now used for storage.

"Well, I guess Mr. Masrani thinks since you're able to control the Raptors," Claire said as she followed him up the stairs.

"See it's all about control with you, I don't control the Raptors, it's a relationship, based on mutual respect, that's why you and I never had a second date," Owen said before walking past her and back down the stairs. 

"Excuse me, I never wanted a second date," Claire said sounding slightly offended.

"Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?" Owen asked and he sat down by his motorcycle.

"I'm an organized person."

"What kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila?"

"All of them actually, what kind of single father gets drunk while someone else watches their child?" Claire said purposely trying to offend them.

"Quite a few of them actually, and I never got drunk," Owen replied.

"Okay, can we just focus on the asset please?" 

"The asset?" Owen asked standing up.

"Look I get it you're in charge out here, you gotta make a lot of tough decisions, it's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet, but they're not, they're alive," Owen told her.

"I'm fully aware they're alive," Claire replied,

"You might've made them in a test tube but they don't know that, they're thinking I gotta eat, I gotta hunt, I gotta," Owen continued making a suggestive gesture with his hand. 

"Will, you just come look at the paddock?" Claire asked at her wit's end.

"Sure why not, but one thing, I can't leave her here alone so she has to come along," Owen replied.

"Fine, I'll be in the car when you're ready," Claire said walking away.

"What does this mean?" (Y/N) asked repeating his earlier had gesture.

"I'll tell you when you're older," Owen said laughing slightly.

"Come on, let's go get this over with," Owen said and (Y/N) came down the stairs and followed him.

"I'm older now," (Y/N) said a few moments later.

He laughed, she was a lot like him when he was that age.

"Not old enough," Owen replied.

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