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With Owen's permission, they took her breathing tube out and she struggled for a few seconds but began to breathe fine on her own shortly after. Since she could breathe on her own they moved her out of the ICU and into the regular pediatric part of the hospital. Technically, she was still a surgical case so the pediatric surgeon still came to check on her, later that day she pulled Owen out of the room again.

"I'd like you to do something," The doctor started.

Owen just nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Even once she wakes up she won't be leaving the hospital soon and it can be tough on kids to be in strange surroundings for that long. How far do you live from here?" The doctor questioned.

"About 45 minutes," Owen answered.

"Okay, I want you to go home, get some of her things. A blanket, pillows, toys, drawings, posters, anything that will make her feel more at home while she's here," The doctor explained.

"I don't know if I can leave her for that long," Owen said uneasily.

"She'll be alright, we will call you if anything changes and it'll be good for you to get out of the hospital too. It'll be a lot easier on her if she has something remotely familiar to wake up to," The doctor said, using the fact that he cared more about (Y/N) than himself to her advantage.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours," Owen said before leaving.

It was weird. The silence. He hadn't had a car ride alone in a long time, it didn't feel right, going home alone. If he was honest, he couldn't remember most of the drive home, his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. Walking into her room brought a revived wave of emotion. Her favorite toys were still laying on the floor, the book he had read to her the night before they left for the island was still on her nightstand, her pajamas in a pile beside her bed, her blankets lay in a strung-out pile along the side of her bed. After a few moments and a few deep breaths, he grabbed a box out of one of the spare rooms and started to pack a few things away. Her lightweight blanket, pillows, a few of her stuffed animals, a couple of books. He figured once she had some strength back she'd want something to do so he grabbed a few dot-to-dot and coloring books. He figured he had everything he would need and headed to the door but on his way through something caught his eye. He set the box down, opened it up again, and grabbed her drawings off of the fridge.

"Who knew. We have a silver-colored fridge," Owen commented. 

It had been almost completely covered in her drawings since a few weeks after they moved in. It looked strange and bare without them. After he took them down he had everything and put the box in the back of his vehicle, next to her car seat, and headed back to the hospital.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now