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Even once they arrived at camp Owen never stopped moving. 

"We managed to get a signal out, a helicopter will be here to get us soon," Avery spoke up upon their arrival.

"Good, we have to go," Owen ordered.

"Wait, what's going on?" Harley questioned.

"Amethyst and Storm fought, Storm lost, Amethyst won't quit until she kills (Y/N). She's right behind us, there's no time to grab anything, we need to go. Now!" Owen shouted already picking up his pace again. 

The rest of the group froze for a moment before they registered the thundering footsteps closing in on them. Luckily, as big as Amethyst was she got caught up in the forest frequently which kept her at a distance. Owen kept ahold of (Y/N)'s hand the whole way while she stared blankly ahead. They were nearing the helipad when (Y/N) finally spoke.

"We can't go that way," (Y/N) informed the group.

"Why?" Owen called back over his shoulder.

"It'll be open land the rest of the way, she'll catch us in no time, if we go around to the side it's forest most of the way there, but the rest will but uphill," (Y/N) explained.

She had been here for a year, and she knew the land best so they had no choice but to do as she said. Sure enough, the forest nearly went to the helipad, only the remaining 60 feet were open area. But it was steep uphill and practically a straight drop on either side. They were a little over halfway there when Amethyst burst out of the trees, rapidly closing the distance between them. She stepped on one of the team members, later identified as Mary, but the rest managed to get out of her way. Owen moved to put himself between his daughter and the carnivore but (Y/N) figured out what he was planning to do before he could. She pulled her hand out of his and by the time he fully turned back to her Amethyst had knocked him out of the way and began circling (Y/N) tightly so that no one could get to her and she couldn't run away. 

She purposely set her feet down harder than she needed to and the resulting vibrations combined with the incline of the ground caused (Y/N) to fall. Owen fired all the bullets he had but they barely drew blood. Amethyst stopped so that she was positioned in between (Y/N) and Owen but enough to make sure that Owen would see what happened next. The two of them made eye contact.

"After everything, and this is what it comes to. I can't do ANYTHING!" Owen shouted, in his head.

Then, his eyes shifted off of her and onto something behind her. (Y/N) didn't have a chance to turn and see what he was looking at before Amethyst was knocked back, scrambling for balance. For once, (Y/N) and Amethyst had the same look on their faces. Confusion, however, (Y/N)'s soon mixed with delight as she looked up at the dinosaur who had seemed to be killed less than a half-hour ago. 

"How is he alive?" (Y/N) wondered about a question that would go on to never be answered. 

Storm glanced down at her for a moment before using his sister's momentary stunned state against her. There wasn't much foot room for the large carnivores, one slip and they'd go down. Lightning flashed above them and thunder cracked as they clashed once again. This time, surprisingly, Storm had the upper hand. He quickly pinned her, sinking his claws into her shoulders and head as he sunk his teeth into her neck. He pulled his head back, keeping his jaw locked, and began dragging her to the edge of the hill. Keeping his head pulled back, he pushed down on her with his claws and the whole team heard the snap that resulted in Amethyst's neck. Storm pulled his teeth and claws out of her and her body fell over the edge. Lightning lit up the sky once again as Storm straightened himself out and roared. This was louder than any roar (Y/N) had heard from him before, it echoed throughout the valley, nearly drowning out the pouring rain and thunder. 

"YES!!" (Y/N) shouted triumphantly, throwing her hands in the air, and jumping back to her feet. 

She turned toward where Owen last was only to find him already wrapping his arms around her. This time, she hugged him back. The storm was already starting to lighten above them, moonlight pouring in through thin slivers of cloud openings. Owen finally let go of her and Storm walked up to her, lowering his head to her level, his amber eyes staring deeply into hers. She cautiously reached out her hand and placed it on his snout.

"I have to go with him," (Y/N) said, looking briefly at Owen.

 Tears began to roll down her face as she spoke in a shaky voice, "Take care of yourself okay, I won't be here to do it. Don't let anyone boss you around. I'm really gonna miss you."

She knew how dangerous it was but she couldn't resist leaning her forehead against his snout. 

Then, she whispered so quietly that she wasn't even sure he could hear her, "I promise, I'll see you again."

She backed away and nodded towards the forest as the helicopter landed. Owen led (Y/N) the rest of the way to the helipad as Storm walked slowly back toward the forest. Both of them looked back at each other, (Y/N) could've sworn he looked sad, before they disappeared, out of each other's lives. 

A/N: Not gonna lie, nearly cried writing the ending to this chapter. Only one more chapter, then this story will be finished. I'm definitely gonna cry🥹 However, after the final chapter, I'll be doing a sort of Q & A chapter, I'll talk a little bit about the story, some of my favorite parts, lessons, a method to the madness, all that good stuff😂. If there are any questions about the story of something you'd like me to go over let me know in the comments or feel free to message me. Thank you guys so much for getting me this far, I can't put into words how much it means to me.

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now