Searching For Danger

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"Daddy, where are we gonna go?" (Y/N) asked in a concerned tone once they were back amongst the visitors in the visitors center. 

"I'm not sure yet, anywhere but here," Owen replied as he looked around nervously. 

It was only a few minutes after they had left the control room that a voice called out for him.

"Owen!" Claire called, trying to leave the panic out of her voice around the visitors.

"Oh for the love of. . ." Owen began before turning to face her, (Y/N) still refused to let go of his hand and honestly he was glad about that, it reminded him that she was okay.

"I need you," Claire began before stopping, it was obvious something was wrong.

"Okay. . .?" Owen said and asked trying to get more information before moving from his spot.

"I need your help. My nephews, they're out in the Valley. Please, if anything happens to them..." Claire started before fading out.

Not wanting any of the visitors to hear that something was wrong he pulled her to the side away from most of the people.

"How old?" Owen asked, he had never been a big fan of Claire but he knew how he would feel if something like this happened to (Y/N) and that was something he couldn't ignore.

"The older one, he's um.. he's uh..high school age. The younger one, he' He's a few years..." Claire began before she realized there was no way she could answer.

"You don't know how old your nephews are?" Owen asked both confused and not believing his ears.

She could only nod her head, seemingly embarrassed by the situation. He looked down at (Y/N) who was looking around nervously at all the people, she wasn't a real big people person even on days when a killer hybrid dinosaur wasn't running loose on the island. Then he looked back at Claire.

"I'll help you but you have to listen to me and do what I say, but I can't take (Y/N) with me," Owen finally told her, he whispered the last part so that she wouldn't hear.

"She can stay in the control room, she'll be fine there," Claire said in a normal volume, and (Y/N)'s head snapped back towards them and the conversation.

Owen let out a breath before getting down to (Y/N)'s level.

"I have to go help Claire finds her nephews. You're gonna stay in the control room okay? You'll be safe there and I can keep in touch with you," Owen informed her. 

"I wanna stay with you," (Y/N) pleaded.

"I know, but I can't take you with me this time, not with that thing on the loose," Owen replied gently.

She just nodded, either she realized or she knew that this was a debate she couldn't win. He took her to the control room along with Claire. Claire took her over to Lowrey and Vivian.

"This is (Y/N), Owen's daughter, can you guys keep an eye on her for a while?" Claire asked them.

"Sure," Lowrey replied.

Owen noticed that Masrani was gone and figured that he had taken his advice. He watched as Claire made her way back to him while (Y/N) stayed with Lowrey and Vivian. Something seemed wrong about leaving her there but it would be worse to bring her along. They made their way to the elevator but before he had the chance to actually get into the elevator he felt something wrap around his right leg. He looked down to see (Y/N), she looked up at him.

"Come back okay?" 

"I will."

"I love you," (Y/N) whispered.

"I love you too," Owen whispered back.

She watched as the doors shut before going back over to Lowrey and Vivian.

In the elevator:

"I have a lot to lose, and if it comes to a choice between you and your nephews and my daughter, there no competition," Owen told Claire bluntly.

She just nodded and with that, they were off on their dangerous journey.

A/N (Please read, Thanks!): I just want to thank you guys for over 300 reads (310)! Also if you have any ideas or there is something you would like to see in this story let me know in the comments I will let you know if the idea will work or if there is something that won't work with it and try to come up with a compromise. I have most of Jurassic World and Fallen Kingdom but if you have an idea I'd love to hear it because I can always make what you guys want work in one way to another and I want to. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being pushy with these at the end of almost every chapter I just want you guys to know that there is still that opportunity and most likely always will be. There are a few years between of World and Kingdom that need to get at least partially taken up so let me know what you would like to see I love hearing your ideas! Also if there is something that I am doing with this story that bugs you (or that you like) let me know so I can fix it or so that I know what to keep doing. Again thank you guys for making this story both my fastest-growing and my second ever story to get past 300 reads!

His World, Her Savior. (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now