Genetics Revealed

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(Y/N) froze for a moment, her brain spinning in circles, trying to work it all out. 

"What?" (Y/N) finally forced out.

"I'm not proud of what did, it was wrong. But I'll explain everything to you. Will you come with me?" Wu asked gently, standing up from his chair.

(Y/N) nodded slowly, following him cautiously out of the room, leaving Maisie to watch the videos of her mother. Wu took her to another lab type room, far from the first room and the two sat down at the table.

"What do you know about your mother?" Wu asked.

"She didn't want me, left the first chance she got," (Y/N) replied, keeping up the cool, calm, and collected exterior.

"I wish I could tell you that wasn't true, but I don't want to lie to you-," Wu started.

"You don't have much experience talking to children do you?" (Y/N) interrupted.

"Well, you're not exactly a normal child," Wu said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" (Y/N) asked.

"How do you think you survived everything that's happened to you? You've been through things from a young age that you never should have lived through. Being born as early and sick as you were, or the Indoraptor attack. By all means, you should be dead," Wu began to explain.

"What did you do to me?" (Y/N) asked, her voice beginning to shake, her breathing becoming uneven.

"We were just beginning to understand genetics, experimenting with hybrids. But after the Scorpius Rex incident we realized how in over our heads we were. We already had a better understanding of human genetic as they normally are so we began an underground experiment, no one knew about it, if they did we'd all have been thrown into jail before we could say a word. We knew we'd have to start from scratch, with genetics that were still freshly made. So, when I ran into your mother shortly after she made the deal with your father that kept you alive I told her about our project in secret. She knew it would most likely kill you but she agreed anyway, I still don't understand how she could do that but I was grateful at the time. We started with small changes, and when those changes to your DNA held without altering your physical appearnce, at least, from what we could tell, we got excited and got ahead of ourselves. We added more and more changes to your genetic code, some of it stuck, some of it didn't. We left the genetics we knew could affect your physical appearnce alone, but aside from that, very few parts of your genetic code reflects your parents. But you soon entered a state of near constant distress, and we avoided making more changes. Your mother stopped going to regular doctors, even the doctors present at the very beginning of your life were part of the project. When you got sick all those years at the same time, we were testing the changes we made, seeing how you reacted to different toxins or medications. We had to buy the silence of the doctors that treated you after the Indoraptor attack," Wu explained.

"What did you change?" (Y/N) asked, tears in the corners of her eyes, voice shaking worse than before.

"You were genetically engineered to be able to survive longer without oxygen, with a lower amount of blood in your system, even your brain was changed, the way and the level at which you think is different than any other human being on the planet. You're stronger, how else would you have been able to put up a fight with adults trying to hold you captive. You are unique in hundreds of ways no one knows about, changes we didn't anticipate made their way into existence," Wu told her, a bit of excitment creeping into his voice near the end.

"Does my Dad know?" (Y/N) asked in the same tone as before, a few tears slipping down her cheek.

"No, we made sure he never found out," Wu answered.

"Are there any others like me?" (Y/N) questioned.

"No, we didn't want to risk anyone finding out about you or our project unless we knew they'd agree," Wu said.

(Y/N) was silent for a few moments before looking back up at him with a fire in her eyes.

"You're a monster," (Y/N) snapped.

"I regret what I did, I know it was wrong. But, you're here, alive, something that would've been taken from you and your father a long time ago if we had never changed you, you're special," Wu tried to reason.

"I'm a monster! You made me a monster!" (Y/N) shouted, turned and ran out the door. 

Maisie was in the middle of her own escape at the same time. But, (Y/N) was quickly blocked on both sides by two men with guns. 

"Don't let them get away!" Lewis shouted from near the room Maisie had been in.

The men blocking (Y/N) were momentarily distracted by the shouting.

"You're stronger," Wu's words rang through her head in a split second.

Without thinking she ran towards the man blocking the hall that led away from Maisie's room. He reached to grab her but she pushed him off and ran down the hall. 

"If I can make it around the corner I might have a chance," (Y/N) thought to herself.

The two men raised their guns at her.

"Don't-!" Wu started.

He was too late, one of the men fired, the bullet found its target, and (Y/N) dropped to the floor. 

A.N: I know, this chapter got really long but I didn't want to break it up. Anyway, part of this chapter was suggested by deadly_sirius. Also, I gotta say I loved the little bit of theorizing that went on in the comments of the last chapter!

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