You're a Youtuber

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MICHAEL- "And I'm here with Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer!" You say into your camera after introducing yourself.

"Hi." Michael waves awkwardly.

"If you couldn't tell by the title of the video, we are going to be doing the 'Boyfriend Does my Makeup' tag. Don't worry, boys, I'm still single. He is just a friend." You smile. "We have all my makeup here, which isn't much, and Michael is going to be putting it... on my face. Shit, I didn't think this through." You laughed.

"I'm a makeup expert." Michael defends as he gets a random product from your bag. "What the hell is this?" He asks, pouring foundation onto his finger.

"I can't tell you." You giggle. Michael grabs a brush and sticks it into the foundation bottle, getting a huge amount onto the brush. He starts to put it onto your skin, poking at random bits and not blending it in.

"Wow, you look so good." Michael shrieks, pretending to be a girl. He grabs the mascara, unscrewing it and pulling it out. "What?" He asks as he looks at it.

"What were you expecting?" You laugh as he touches the wand.

"Um, not this." He furrows his eyebrows. "This goes on your... eyebrows?" You sigh and he widens his eyes, "your eyelashes?" He tries again. You nod your head and he grins, smothering the black onto your eyelashes.

He continues to assault your face with your makeup products, poking you in the eye quit a few times with eyeliner. Once you two finish, you hold up a mirror, and gasp. What the fuck did he do to your face?

"You look beautiful, girl." Michael puts a hand int the air, pretending to flip his hair, "all because of me."

"I'm so going to kill you." You say as you reach for the eyeliner.

"No!" He shouts putting up his hands in defense. You swiftly dodge the hands, grabbing his cheeks you run the eyeliner over his face, drawing different things.

"Give this video a thumbs up and our next collab will be me doing his makeup." You smile, shooting the camera two thumbs up.

"Also subscribe to Y/N because she is amazing." He smiles at the camera, and you blush.

"Shut up." You mutter as you get up to press the button to stop recording.

CALUM- "Calum!" you squeal as you try to grab the bowl from him. You are currently filming a cooking video with Calum, your best friend.

"I'm going to pour it on you!" He warns as you hit him in the stomach. He lifts the bowl over his head as you stand on your tiptoes trying to reach for it.

"Give it to me!" You shout as he holds it up higher. You growl as you start to jump. "You are going to spill it everywhere!"

"No I'm not, have more faith in me, Y/N." He scoffs right as his hand slips, causing the bowl to fall. You jump back right as the bowl lands on the floor, spilling all of it's contents over the both of you.

"See what you did?" You ask as you hit Calum repeatedly.

"Ow. That hurts!" He whines as he tries to block your hands.

"Good, you deserve it, now we have to start all over again." You huff. You turn back towards the camera and smile, "Warning, don't do this with a complete idiot, because then you will have to start again." You say.

"I'm not an idiot." Calum frowns and you turn your head, your glare so harsh he flinches back.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now