He Teaches You to Play an Instrument

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Your boyfriend Ashton played the drums and he was very good at what he did. You were always very interested in playing them, so when he was out talking to the boys you got up and sat on the stool he sat on while playing them.

You picked the two drum sticks up and sat there for about a minute trying to think of a beat from a song. You gave up, and starting banging the sticks against the drums and it wasn't the best beat, but you continued to play and really getting into it.

You started throwing your head back and forth with the beat and you didn't realise Ashton was standing at the door with the boys behind him. You put the sticks down, wiping your forehead and looked up seeing the four boys smirking. You gasped, blushing.

"That was very nice, Y//N" Michael commented, stifling a laugh. You blushed, looking down. "How long where you there"? You asked. "Long enough too see you starting to really get into it" Calum chuckled, throwing his head back and forth. You nodded going even more red.

"Ashton"! You whined. "Okay guys, leave now" Ashton sighed, as the boys walked off and Ashton came into the room. "Here, I'll teach you" Ashton smiled, standing behind you and placing his hands on top of yours as he started playing the drums slowly.

"By the way, you looked very cute playing the drums" Ashton whispered. "Cute"? You asked, as he nodded and continued to teach you.


"Hey Mikey, can you teach me how to play your guitar"? You asked as he strummed a few chords looking up at you. "This one"? he asked pointing to the black and white one. You nodded slowly. "Please? I won't break it"

"Yeah, have you played guitar before"? He asked. You shook your head. "I used to know a few chords, but I forgot them" You explained. "I'll teach you then" Michael suggested as he stood up and sat behind you and guided your fingers over the chords. "Do you remember A"? He asked. You nodded slowly and placed your 3 fingers in a row as Michael strummed the guitar.

"Now E" he said moving your fingers to the right position, as he strummed guided your fingers over the strums.

"D"? You suggested, placing your fingers in the right place from what you remember. "Uh huh" Michael nodded, strumming the guitar. "Remember G"? He asked, as you shook your head and he placed your fingers in the right position.

"It kinda hurts at first cause you have to press your fingers on the chords but you get used to it" he chuckled. You nodded smiling, and leant more into him as he continued to teach you.


"Sit, I'm gonna teach you how to play the bass" Calum smirked, knowing you never wanted to learn cause you played guitar and would mess the chords up. "No, Cal" you protested, as he grabbed your waist and sat you down, as he sat next to to.

"I hate you" you muttered. "Love you too babe" he chuckled. "Okay, here" he said passing you his bass guitar and you sat it in your lap, putting your fingers on the regular guitars 'D'. You smirked strumming the chords as the sound came out wrong.

"See, I'm done" you smiled, passing him the bass back. "No, no. I'm teaching you" he smiled passing the bass back. "Stupid bass guitar" you muttered. "I learned a few guitar chords! You can learn a few bass chords" Calum said. "Fine, for you" you sighed. "Okay, good! So this is D" he smiled, placing your fingers in the wrong position for you. "Uh, okay" you muttered as you strummed the guitar.

"See? It sounds right" Calum said, as he placed your fingers on a different note. "This is G" he said as you strummed the guitar yourself. You nodded, smiling. "It sounds nice"

"And this is C" you giggled, putting your fingers on the wrong bass note for C and strummed the guitar making Calum groan.


"Hey, Luke can you teach me how to play guitar? The acoustic one"? You asked, sitting down, looking longingly at the brown guitar. "Yeah, sure" he nodded, picking the guitar up and sitting next to you.

"Know any chords"? He asked, as you shook your head. "Never played it"

"Well, I'll teach you the main chords" he said placing your three fingers in a row. "That's A" he said, as you strummed the guitar. "This is G" he said placing your fingers in different places, and you strummed the guitar yet again. "Sounds nice" you commented. "Yeah, it is" he chuckled, placing your fingers in a different place and you yet again strummed the guitar.

"That was C, and this is D" he said placing your fingers in a triangle sort of form. You nodded, and strummed the guitar. "Okay, this is the last one which is E" he said placing two fingers in a row then one above them.

"Is that all the chords"? You asked. "The basic ones" he said. "Thanks Luke" you smiled, as he blushed. "It's alright Y/N. I can teach you a few more when you get the hang of these" he smiled.

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