You Secretly Like Each Other

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 Luke: There is something about Luke Hemmings, something you can’t quite put your finger on.  It’s like you can see what a broody, sometimes sarcastic and definitely always weird person he is, but you can never figure out how this affects you. It’s not exactly annoyance or hatred, but more like a twisted, nauseating feeling you get whenever he’s around, which is why you tend to avoid him. You don’t understand your body’s repulsive reaction to Luke because it’s not like you think he’s disgusting, yet your body goes haywire whenever you come in contact with him. You don’t know whether Luke feels the same and are too scared to ask. You confide in your friend Ashton about this, who, surprisingly, doesn’t answer, but takes your hand and pulls you along with him, walking you toward Luke. “Ash, what are you doing?” you hiss, full of panic. Ashton taps Luke’s shoulder. “Hey Luke, (Y/n) likes you” he tells him, completely casually, as if it’s nothing. “What? I never said that!” you exclaim, heat rising in your cheeks. “No, but it’s obvious you have a crush!” Ashton laughs, you don’t think you’ve felt more uncomfortable in your life. “There’s only one cure for a crush” Luke announces. You lift your head, interested in what that might be, just as Luke leans in and his lips collide with yours, sending chills of pleasure through your body. So apparently you DO have a crush. Thank God Luke feels the same way, otherwise this whole gamble could have gone south very quickly!

Michael: "Wait, where are you going?" you ask Calum and Luke, as they exit the room. "We have to get more dip" Calum tells you. "Take me with you," you plead quietly, your gaze flickering briefly over Michael. "Don’t leave me alone with him" "He doesn’t bite" Luke whispers back, as a joke, though you are not even a little amused. "Please?" "Nope. Have fun!" Luke chirps, before the two of them are off. You take in a deep breath, turning to face Michael, who stand leaned against a wall, a cocky, confident look on his face. "What?" he sneers, his eyes scanning you carefully. "Nothing!" you quickly reply. Michael intimidates you. Maybe it’s the punk-rock vibe, maybe it’s the fact he is almost an entire foot taller than you. Either way, he makes you incredibly nervous. "Why are you looking at me like that then?" Michael continues to ask. "I…. I’m sorry" you stammer. Why are you so afraid of him? It’s not like he’s gonna hurt you! You hope…. "Do i make you nervous?" he breathes, suddenly so close to you, breathing his minty breath on your soft, cool skin. "N…No" you stutter, your palms starting to sweat. Something about having Michael this close to you is….. exhilarating, in some kind of wrong, twisted way. He looks down on you, a smirk on his edgy face, before his lips clash into yours, meeting in a hot and passionate kiss that leaves you gasping for air. "That’s what i thought" he grins after he breaks away, before relieving you into a new breath-takingly steamy and sexy kiss.

Ashton: You are humming along to the newest song stuck in your head on replay, as you get out the shower, wrapped only in a big, white, fluffy towel. You get really into it, even playing out the guitar solo, closing your eyes, feeling like a rock star…. Until you run into something and fall onto the ground. Or someone, to be exact. Your eyes open to find Ashton Irwin on top of you, shirtless and sweaty, a confused and disoriented look on his face. He must have been at the gym, because he is breathless and smells like unwashed boy, yet for some odd reason you find this….. intoxicating. There is something fascinating about being this close to Ashton, like you are discovering him for the first time. Sure, you were aware he is good looking and funny, but half naked on top of you, his lips this close to yours…. It makes you see him in a new light, a light dazzled with chemistry and sexiness, like the one reflecting off Ashton’s shirtless, shiny torso. “Oh, i’m sorry!” he eventually blurts, jumping off you and helping you up. “That’s alright” you mumble, half entranced by this heavenly creature that seems to have taken Ashton’s former position. “Oh! Your….towel….” Ashton awkwardly points out. Your eyes go wide as you rapidly cover yourself up, extremely flustered. “Sorry you had to see that!” you mutter, bright red. “Don’t be” Ashton answers huskily, closing the already small space between you two and letting his mouth sink into yours, as a long and sweet kiss kindles itself between you too, wrapped with a lingering sense of sultry sex appeal. Perfection in a kiss, basically.

Calum: You hate Calum Hood. It’s a cold hard fact, like the ocean is blue, grass is green, and you despise Calum Hood. As easy as that. You can barely stand to be around ea ch other without constant name calling, snarky comments and downright terrifyingly mean glares. “Ugh, great, it’s YOU” you remark, strutting into Luke’s living room. “Where’s Luke?” you ask him, annoyed you have to interact with him. “Bathroom” he grunts, barely acknowledging your presence. “Why are you here anyway?” he asks. “Fuck you, I can be here if i want to! Why don’t YOU just leave?” you retort. “I was here first” he counters with five year old logic. “Oh, i see we’re being mature as usual again” you roll your eyes. “You calling me immature? Look who’s talking!” he yells, jumping out of his seat. “Oh please, get some real insults, stop with this primary school i know what you are but what am i? crap!” you snap, bearing your teeth at him like a vicious dog. “I can do whatever the hell i want. If you don’t like it, leave!” “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You stand there for a moment, panting, in the most ridiculous argument the world has ever seen, yet it seems like the beginning of WW3 to you two. You stare at each other, huffing and puffing, waiting for the other to back down, right until you suddenly experience the sensation of full, plump lips, diving into yours. You kiss him back, using force and power. It’s like a struggle for dominance between you two, and you cannot tell who is winning. Aggression and lust pour through you, which you channel into the kiss. Love and hate seem to have a lot more in common that one might think…..

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