Blurb of Luke Of Eating You Out

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  OKAY first off have you seen the mouth on that boy?? ok he'd be so sweet like kiss down your entire torso before reaching where you needed him and he'd look up and give you a little smile/smirk thing before softly kissing your sex. then he'd start to suck adn holy fuck he would have his entire mouth around you and then he'd teasingly run his tounge over your slit a couple times to get you all aroused and shit and then he'd poke it in and out for a second before completely licking you out. and He'd stick a finger or two in there as well to get you going, and his tongue and fingers would alternate in their movements, so you're always getting pleasure and once you cum he'd lick you clean and softly kiss you once more time and that little shit would be so proud of himself and he'd get so dominate hOLY SHIT

taken of off tumblr

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