You get into A Car Crash

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 Ashton had gotten the news while he was at the studio. The doctor told him everything that happened, and he rushed to the hospital. He runs to your room and swallows a lump in his throat. He slowly opens the door and walks in. He gasps and stares at you. You're lying limp in your bed; head bandaged, and stitches covering your small body. Ashton blinks back tears and stands next to your bed. "Oh baby...." He coos just above a whisper. You shift slightly and moan in pain. "Hey Y/N..... I'm right here.." He says and takes your hand gently. "Ash..." You mumble. He kisses your cheek gently, "I'm here.. I'm right here baby.. I'm not leaving" He tells you. He blinks back tears and tries to stay strong for your sake. "I'm so sorry.. I should've been there for you.. I... I'm sorry!" He cries out as tears roll down his cheeks. You look up at him and gently put a hand on his cheek. "It's okay.... You're here now... That's all that matters"


 Calum carefully leads you into the house. "Careful! Watch your head! Don't trip!" He exclaims hopeless worries at you. You smile slightly, "Cal... I'm fine.... It's just a broken rib.." You remind him. He shakes his head, "Doc says you might have a slight concussion, so I have to protect my baby" He says and shuts the door behind him. You sigh and slip your shoes off. Calum takes you to the living room and sits you down on the couch. "Okay! Does it hurt?? Are you hungry??? Cold? Warm? Thirsty? Want a hug-" "Calum! I'm fine" You cut him off and giggle. He bites his lip, "You sure..? Don't even want a hug..?" He gives you his famous pout. You smile and open your arms. He grins and hugs you gently, but securely. "I'm just glad you're okay.. I don't know what I would do if you weren't.. I love you so much" He says. You smile, "I love you too Calum"


 Luke grips your hand tightly and waits patiently for you to awaken. He's been like that for the past hour. The doctors told him it might take you a while to wake up, and Luke made a vow to stay by your side until you do. "I know you probably can't hear me... But I love you so much, and I- I can't even bare to think about you in pain.... I'm so sorry baby.. I'm so so sorry.. We'll get through this.. You'll be okay" He whispers, his voice on the brink of cracking. He looks down and lets tears fall silently. His baby is hurt, in pain, and broken.. And there's nothing he can do about it. His heart sinks a little deeper in his chest each time he thinks about what had happened. "Once you wake up, I'll hug you tight enough so all your broken pieces will stick back together... I'll kiss you hard enough so you'll forget all the pain... And when you wake up.. I will never let you out of my sight... I have to keep you safe.. Because you're my princess.. My world. And I need you"


 Michael takes your crutches and places them on the coffee table. "So. You, are not allowed to leave that couch until your leg is better" Michael tells you sternly. You roll your eyes slightly, "Yeah yeah... Except sleeping, bathing, eating.. Blah blah.. You told me that the whole drive home" You smrik at your over protecttive boyfriend. He smiles and sits next to you. "You're confined to this couch, annnnd... Lucky for you, I'm not leaving this couch either" He says with a smirk. You smile, "So.. Cuddles and movies?" You ask, already knowing the answer. Michael smiles and nods, "Mhmm!" He hums happily. He gently pulls you into his lap and kisses your head. "What movie?" He inquires and turns on Netflix. You smile and shrug, "Whatever, as long as I'm with you" You say. Michael grins, "So... Comedy then?" He asks with a wide smile. You smirk and nod, "Sure Michael"

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