The Boy In Class

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Luke: He was assigned to be your partner for a project, and you both weren’t familiar with each other’s name even though you’ve been in the same class for almost a year now. Just as he moved his belongings next to you, you quickly flipped shut your notebook. If he saw the doodles in your notebook he’d be sure to think you were a complete weirdo. Unfortunately it was too late because he suddenly asked “Can I draw in your notebook too?” He took out a blue pen and drew a funny looking animal. ‘Hi I’m Luke!’ was written in a speech bubble next to it. “It’s supposed to be a penguin…” He explained shyly, his cheeks turning bright pink.

Calum: In math, the tables were put together so that there were two people sharing a desk. You had been put next to a tan and cute boy with dark hair, who seemed to always be in a cheeky mood. When you arrived at your desk, you’d slip on your headphones and start to softly sing a song that you were currently really loving. Not even a second after you had put on your headphones, you feel one side being pulled away from you. “Watcha listening to?” He’d ask cutely and squish his head against yours as he tried to fit both your heads in between the two headphones.

Michael: The boy was known for changing his hair colour multiple times in school. You’ve never actually spoken to him, but you thought that his hair was pretty cool. “Psstt,” He’d suddenly whisper from beside you. You look over at him, unsure if he was talking to at first. “Yes you,” He’d chuckle softly. “What’s your favourite colour?” He’d suddenly ask. “Blue…” The word slipped out of your mouth. He’d then nod his head as if he was processing the thought of something. The next day he walked in class, his hair dyed a bright blue colour. “You like it?” He’d wink as he slid in the chair next to you.

Ashton: He was always tapping on the desk behind you to a beat that he’d randomly make up. It didn’t really bother you at all, because you actually loved listening to him tapping away on the desk with his hands. He’d get in trouble so many times though that one day, you thought that he might of actually stopped- but boy were you wrong. The next thing you knew, you felt two pencils being tapped on the back of your head in a rhythmic beat. “You make a good drum,” He’d chuckle softly behind you.

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