You Get Jealous

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Ashton: "Aw look at that. Is that jealously I see on your face?" He coos, wrapping his arms securely around your waist. Peppering little kisses from the tip of your nose down to your neck, before nuzzling into the curve of your shoulder. "Don't worry love, I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me."

he looked at you and you were still pouting " oh come on babe its not like that she is just my celeb crush!" "are you sure?" of course im sure love" with that he leaned in and kissed you. Those sweet lips, you could kiss them all day.

Luke: You've been tapping your foot repeatedly, your lips pressed in a hard firm line. "You know she started talking to me first." He says quietly eyes locked on your fidgeting foot. "And it's not like I could ever leave you for her. You're way prettier." He laughs, watching the small smile spread across your face. "Probably better in bed too.". "nice save babe" he leaned in to kiss you but you pulled away and ran up the stairs motioning for him to follow you.

Michael; He instantly frustrated, pulling at the ends of his hair. "Just talk to me. Say something. You can yell at me, or like punch me if you want. Just tell me why you are so mad." His voice is slightly raised, and it hits you all at once. You were jealous and now he's mad, and you're about to lose him. "Oh, love. Come here, I didn't mean it." He murmurs quickly."its just that..that im scared of loosing you to some better girl." you were sobbing right now. "there will never be some better girl. you are perfect." 

Calum; "I think it's hot. You're all flustered and your face is turning red." He points out, running his nimble finger over the flesh of your cheek. "So fucking hot." He repeats, grazing his lips over yours, taking in a deep breath. "You know, you could show me. Just show me how jealous you really are.". "oh fuck od Cal." you spat and tried to walk away but he grabbed your arm and pulled you in to kiss you.turning into a deep makeout session you lay down on the couch. "im sorry Y/N i will never mention another girl no matter how hot she is"

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