At the Beach

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Ashton: The water was freezing despite the blazing sun that had been up all day long. You dipped your toe into the ice cold sea as a wave came up on the beach. Your whole body shivered as you gripped Ashton's hand even tighter. "Jeez (Y/N) its not that cold." Ashton said next to you even though he hadn't felt the temperature of the water yet. "It is too."  You say back. A smirk began to appear on his gorgeous face. In a instance you were lifted off your feet and into the air by Ashton's muscular arms. You squealed as he ran into the water gripping you tightly. You clung onto him as the cold water hit your warm skin. "See it's not that cold babe" he said as you wrapped your legs around his waist. "That’s because I’m pressed against you, your keeping me from freezing" you reply back running your hands through Ashton’s fluffy brown hair. "Well we better make sure you get warm then." he said winking. 

Calum: "Babe come on please." Calum your boyfriend begged you for the 6th time in the last 2 minutes. "Cal I don’t wanna go in I’m trying to tan." You say as you roll over onto your back. "Please." Calum said as he lay down next to you panting small kisses all over your face. "Cal" you giggle as he kisses and sucks on your neck. His fingers were tracing patens on your hips giving your tingles where he touched. "Come on babe the beach is to public we can finish this in the sea." as he winks. 

Luke: The sun was beaming down onto your back. It was mid day now and the sun was at it hottest. "Luke can you do my back please babe." You call to Luke who was sun bathing next to you. Unlike other boys Luke didn’t mind you just sitting there and tanning, he liked it. "Sure" he said. You felt Luke sit on your bum as you heard the pop of the sun cream lid opening. Luke's muscly hands were on your back massaging in the sun cream. You felt his lips on the back of your neck. "Luke" you squeal. "Shhh" he said back as he continued to leave a trail of kisses. 

Michael: "(Y/N) come on you're gonna boil." Michael said. You didn’t want to strip into your bikini as you were insecure about your body and there were lots of super skinny girls at the beach. You were boiling but sill it wouldn’t change your mind. "No Mikey I’m fine if anything I’m cold." you lied. You were embarrassed about the whole thing and wish he would just drop it. "Ok that is not normal, (Y/N) have you hit your head or something." Michael said placing a hand on your forehead. "You’re burning up!" He said flinching his hand away from your forehead as his skin came into contact with his. "Mikey please I leave it, I just-..." You stopped yourself before anymore slipped out. Michael eyes locked on yours you knew he knew something was wrong. "(Y/N) you’re the most beautiful girl I know, you are sexy and funny and smart. I love you." Michael said. He’s never told you he loved you before. "I love you too" you said plating a kiss on his lips. After that you two played on the beach for the rest of the day.

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