He Asks You If You Guys Can Try For A Baby

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Michael: Just getting home from a day out with your friends, you were surprised to see that the house was clean and the smell of delicious food was coming from the kitchen. This couldn't be Michael's doing, could it? You asked yourself and to answer your question Michael walked out of the kitchen and wiped his hands on a towel. "Surprised?" "Very much. What's the occasion, Michael? I know it's not our anniversary, that was last week, what's going on?" He threw the towel behind him, not looking to see if it possibly landed in the food he had made for you guys. "I wanted to ask you a question and thought i'd...uhh." he was at a loss for words and you grinned. "Thought you'd butter me up a bit before asking something i'll possibly shoot down?" "That's pretty much it, yeah." he laughed and you danced over to him. "What's on your mind, babe?" "I wanna try..." "For?" you pressed and he kissed your lips. "I wanna try for a baby with you."

Calum: The two of you were shopping for your band new home when Calum decided to take a little detour throughout the store and you had no choice but to follow him. "Calum, where are we going? Don't you dare go towards the music, we don't have time for that today." He stopped in front of the baby stuff and you looked at him as he carefully sifted through what they had in his mind. "Calum, what are you doing looking at baby stuff? We're not having a baby, do you know someone who is having a baby, if so, who? I'm lost." Calum grabbed a onesie that had the Batman logo on it and showed it to you. "I don't know anyone who's having a baby, no, but, i've been thinking for the longest time and well, what if we tried for our own baby? So many others have babies, i want one, do you think we can try?" You had the biggest smile on your face. "We better hurry home, Calum. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can try."

Ashton: "God damn it Ashton, will you just clean up after yourself for once in your life? I'm not your mom and i most certainly am not your maid, i'm your wife and this is our house, not mine, not yours, ours which means we have to clean it together! Ashton!" you yell out again and then hear the familiar sound of the drum set in the music room. "Ashton!" Dropping your basket of dirty clothes you go down to the music room to yell at your husband at a closer distance. "Ashton!" you scream one last time and he finally dropped the headphones from his ears. "Hey babe what's up?" You were about to yell at him about the cleaning when you saw what he had done. "Ash, what's that on the paper in front of you?" He tried to hide his sketch but it was too late. "That's a baby, Ash, you sketched a baby? Why?" He looked at you with thoughtful eyes. "I want one. Think we can try for one? I know we're ready for one, what do you say?"

Luke: Luke had just gotten home from his mom's house and was acting strange, stranger then normal and you were bound determined to figure out why he was acting the way he was. "Hey, Luke, you alright?" you ask as the two of you play a game of Fifa and Luke paused the game. "No, i'm not, it's nothing bad, but i'm not okay." "Something your mom said?" you guessed and he nodded and stood up. "Yeah." You stood up as well. "Luke, what'd she say? You said it was nothing bad, what does that mean?" "She brought up the point as to how we've been dating for six years, married for two and we've yet to even have a pregnancy scare." That made your heart stop. "She wants a grandbaby doesn't she?" Luke finally smiled. "Yeah, she does and it got me thinking about how much i want a baby of my own. One i can teach how to play guitar, sing, show them how far i've come and how far they can go if they follow their dreams. So, (YN), i guess in all of this, i'm really just asking you if it'll be okay if we try for a baby, try for our baby." You blush and hold his hand. "We don't have to try, Luke, i'm already pregnant."

awAWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE but if you wanna talk to me on imessage dm meeeeee

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