A.I. Smut

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You lifted the plastic cup to your mouth, swigging the moreish liquid, you looked up through your lashes only to see all the boys staring at you. Ok you had to admit you looked crazy hot tonight, even thought it was just a Friday night in with the lads, you still made an effort. You couldn't put your finger on it but there was something interesting going to happen tonight."Alrighty," Ashton giggle already intoxicated, "Truth or Dare Y/N?" Of course you were playing this ludicrous game with those four dorks."Dare of course, my dearest friend Ash.." You had too much to drink and the effects were already working, with alcohol coursing through your veins you awaited your dare."Um, g-guys help me think here." Ash slurred losing his footing and falling face first onto the leather sofa. Cheers and laughs erupted from all of you as Ash dribbled onto the velvet pillows."O..ohhkay he's gone... hahahah dead Ashy.." Luke hiccuped, he slowly made his was over to you, his eyes a piercing blue. You had never found yourself so attracted to Luke. Ever. "But before we give Y/N her dare, another drink!" Continuous woops and applause left the remaining four of you.But unfortunately that wouldn't last long, as Luke made a groaning noise, "Nope, fucc-kk!" That was all he said as you watched him belt out the room. Straight for the toilet. Nice....."Looks like someone can't hold their drink!" You spat, snickering at Luke's reaction to the JD and coke. "But seriously guys how long have I been waiting for this dare!?""Ok little miss impatient, I dare you to get off on M-mikey." Calum chuckled darkly to himself. You began to feel aware of what was happening; Luke had left to vomit all over your freshly tiled bathroom, Ash had passed out on the opposite couch. That left you with Michael and Calum. You couldn't help that Michael had a huge crush on you, ever since that time he walked in on you getting yourself off. You'd thought everyone was out when staying over with the boys, you just couldn't help you urges, what can you say. It had to be done, and it was so worth it.Michael seeing you like that, hot naked and getting off, only deepened his feelings for you, now what the fuck was Cal asking you to do?!"I'm sorry wha-""....To ride his thigh...Y/N, I know you want to." Calum's features turned dark, he knew full well you may have feelings for Michael too, but he wanted this for his best friend. Guess it wasn't only you who'd noticed Michael's intent stare as the evening progressed. "Ok, I fucking will." You finally voiced, swaying you hips across the living room, putting your hand out for Michael to take you sat him down on the couch. "C'mon Y/N, show us what you've got."It was like that one sentence from Cal was all you needed to get going, "you ready baby?" Your voice floated into Michael's ear, a grin appeared on his pale face, causing him to nod vigorously.Leaning forward to kiss the beautiful boy infront of you, you noticed Calum leaving to go check on Luke, as puking sounds could be heard from where you wear currently sat.You lips collided, your petite hands went straight to Mikey's neck pulling on the bit of hair at the back of his head, God you loved the red hair he had. Biting down surprisingly hard oh his bottom lip you tasted blood. "Holy shit Mikey! I'm so sorry!"There was no words from him, he just pulled you even closer, diving straight for your neck, biting down on your soft flesh, this was sure to leave a mark, Michael feverishly sucked ,nibbled and kitten licked your sore neck. "Y/N, that was the hottest thing ever." He moaned at the sight of you, blood still wavering at his lip, his smile adjusting into a familiar smirk. This set you off.You began to grind down onto his muscular thigh, the rough denim becoming the best kind of friction needed here. "Yes baby.." Michael's erect cock could be felt through his skin tight jeans. You rocked your hips back and forth creating as much please as possible.The feeling of euphoria soon approaching, without warning, Michael's hand came down to rub you throbbing clit."Holy fuck! Keep doing that..." You moaned loudly, remember guys describe your moans as well, pornographic. Endless moans left you and Mikey, you were so overwhelmed by the pleasure you hadn't even noticed Michael had been wanking off over you grinding and gyrating on him. "Fuc- Michael, that's so hot I-" You couldn't even manage to finish your sentence as you both hit your highs. Michael managed to cum all over his hand and on your tight black skirt, "Shit! I'm so so sorry Y/N!" You glanced up at him picking up his hand and placing two of his slender fingers into you mouth, getting every last drop of his cum in your mouth. With a slight popping noise you let go of his fingers, his hand dropped immediately into his lap, a astonished look graced his face."Wow."Calum having sense it was over came scuffling down the wooden stairs. A lanky giant following him. "So er you two have fun?" Cal spoke his voice laced with pride. Luke was still very out of it but managed to pay careful attention to Michael's jeans which were now covered in your juices. His pale blue eyes followed the wet patch on Mikey's jeans up to Mikey's grinning face. It was as if everyone had forgotten Ashton had passed out only on the opposite sofa. "Well guys thanks! Yeah cos I love to be woken up with moaning noises so loud I thought you were watching porn! Pretty hot though Y/N." He tried to wink but the drunk fuck failed. His signature giggle burst from his lips, "Someone help me up then!" Ashton demanded, Michael walked over offering him an hand, of course Ash refused, grabbing hold of his leg instead. "Ew I- What the fuck Michael!?!" You all peered down to see the sticky wet substance covering Ashtons digits. Your cum."Guys, you are so gross." Luke muttered before flopping down onto the cold floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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