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Calum: You, Calum and the rest of the boys are gathered around in Calum’s living room, just having a fun, chilled out night, playing board games, watching movies and just having a laugh. At one point, Luke suggests a dancing competition. He cranks up the music so that a ear-piercingly loud and awful rock/rap song blares through the room and they start jumping around, breaking it down. They look helplessly ridiculous, and you crack up watching them dance, until Calum pulls you off the coach, spinning you around in a mock waltz of some sort. He leads you in all directions very abruptly whilst you cannot stop laughing at how many times you trip over each other’s feet and almost fall. Finally, you twirl in a last pirouette and let Calum dip you, meeting his lip for a sweet little kiss that has the boys wolf whistling and applauding. Needless to say, you and Calum win, sharing your price of a bag of gummi worms whilst watching Iron man 2 with Michael, Luke and Ashton.

Ashton: "Babe" a distant whisper tones from beyond your dreams. "Babe, it’s time to get up. Babe!" the voice is getting louder and you drowsily open your eyes to see the blurred silhouette of your boyfriend, Ashton, in the semi-darkness. "No" you grumble, turning over in bed, wanting to go back to sleep. "Come on, our plane awaits. Don’t you wanna go back home?" he smiles eagerly, attempting to motivate you. Today you and 5sos fly back to Australia from their tour. You spent the last week with them in LA by taking a plane from Sydney to here after constant begging and pursuading your parents. The week went by so fast, and now you find yourself having to get up at 5:30 am to go to the airport. "Hmph" you grunt. You are absolutely useless in the mornings, normally not even considering getting up before 11 am. "Come on, beautiful" Ashton persists, pulling you out of bed. He literally has to half carry you to the breakfast table, where you grungily eat cereal. He turns up the radio a little, a soft, calm song playing. He hopes the music will help you wake up. As he walks past you, you hug his waist sleepily, moving your hands up to his neck and pulling it down so you can meet in a kiss, making him smile. He gently lifts you off your chair, placing your feet on the ground, your arms still locked behind his neck, as you place your head against his warm chest, swaying from side to side in sinc to the slow music. His big, yet delicate hands caress your back carefully, as you both slow dance, still half asleep in the darkness before the dawn, silent yet blissful.

Luke: "Watcha doing?" you ask curiously, plopping down next to Luke on his bed, peaking over his shoulder onto his notepad. "Just working on some new songs" he mumbles, scratching his head and tapping his pencil against the paper in thought. "What are you listening to?" you ask, turning up the speakers he has on his night stand, playing softly in the background. "Ohhh! This is my JAM!" you exclaim gleefully, jumping up and starting to dance, your arms flailing everywhere, whipping your hair around horrendously. "What are you doing, you weirdo?" Luke laughs, his face lighting up with that rare twinkle in his eye. "Dancing, of course! Join me!" you insist, taking his hand and forcing him onto the ground. He stands awkwardly next to you, observing you skeptically, apparently feeling a bit shy, even though no one else is around. "Come on, Luke! Let loose!" you shout, hopping around, kicking your legs up in the air, making a right fool of yourself and not caring about it at all. He finally forfeits and joins it, bringing out some pretty ridiculous moves himself, until you both collapse back onto his bed with laughter and exhaustion. "You are so strange" he grins, shaking his head at you. "You love it" you reply, kissing his cheek before helping him finish his song.

Michael: "I don’t know about this, Michael" you tell him, your voice barely audible over the heavy bass of the night club you are in. "It’s ok, babe. It’ll be fun, trust me!" he yells back, giving you a thumbs up. Parties have never been your scene, but Michael insisted you come with him to this club. You aren’t impressed by what you see, in fact, you are more intimidated by the loud crowds and hate the way the air is filled with a stench of sweat and booze. "Hey, come on, don’t look so miserable" Michael says to you, lacing his fingers through yours. You try to give him a smile, but he can tell it’s forced. "Here, let’s dance" he suggests, dragging you along into the middle of the "dance floor" which is already flooded with people. You look around, shrinking away from drunken idiots and dodging spilling drinks. "Look at me" Michael demands, his surprisingly powerful index finger holding up your chin so your eyes meet and lock. You sense his heavy hands slide down your back and cup your butt, a big smirk appearing on his face. This in turn, makes you grin as well, as Michael slowly grinds against your hips, his hands moving around your body, confident and assured in what they are doing. You allow yourself to get lost in the moment, as you block out the screams of other people and focus only on Michael, his lips pressing against you neck, his blonde hair brushing lightly against your cheek. He knows his way around your body like no one else does, knowing what to do to make you moan or smile in delight. He is a good dancer, or at least in the sense where he knows how to get you turned on. "We should go" you murmur in his ear, feeling the heat rise within you. He doesn’t reply, but instead spins you around a last time before tightening his hand around your forearm, already leading you back to his car to take you home and finish what he started.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now