Luke Grinding Taken From- Bed Freaks

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Summary: Right now, you've got maybe too much alcohol in your system and a stranger's hands on your hips. He keeps pressing his crotch into your backside and you grind back, because why not?

 Your eyes are glued on Luke's and you take a sick sort of pleasure in how his jaw is clenched tight and how Ashton has a hand on his shoulder and it looks friendly, but you know he's gripping Luke's shoulder and whispering something along the lines of, "Don't be stupid," in Luke's ear.But that's exactly what you want; in fact, you're counting on Luke doing something stupid. -You're not sure how the night ended up like this. This morning, you'd woken up in your dorm and smiled because today was finally the day you got to see your boyfriend for the first time in almost three months.After you'd kissed Luke goodbye at the airport, you'd come back to your room and written today's date on your calendar.You'd woken up happy, but you're not happy now.Right now, you've got maybe too much alcohol in your system and a stranger's hands on your hips. He keeps pressing his crotch into your backside and you grind back, because why not? Your eyes are glued on Luke's and you take a sick sort of pleasure in how his jaw is clenched tight and how Ashton has a hand on his shoulder and it looks friendly, but you know he's gripping Luke's shoulder and whispering something along the lines of, "Don't be stupid," in Luke's ear.But that's exactly what you want; in fact, you're counting on Luke doing something stupid.So, you turn away from Luke and face the guy you're dancing with. You don't know his name, but it doesn't matter. Not really. His breath reeks of cheap beer as he's telling you all the things he wants to do to you in the club bathroom. You hide your face in this guy's neck so he doesn't see you roll your eyes; there's only one guy who's going to be touching you tonight, and if you know him at all, he'll be over here any minute now.This guy takes your move as an invitation to press his lips where your shoulder and neck meets and suck. The pressure is welcome and you tilt your neck back, exposing it to him. He bites down and you moan into his ear. Encouraged, he slips his hands under the material of your dress and squeezes your bum."I think that's quite enough," you hear from behind you. You smile, because you know Luke can't see you.The guy you're dancing with doesn't stop. He probably doesn't realize you're the one beginning addressed until you're being pulled away from him and guided behind Luke's broad frame."What the fuck, bro?" the guy says, looking up at Luke. You can tell he's drunk, but not really looking for confrontation. He's trying to look around Luke to find you. Luke takes a step closer to the guy."That's my girlfriend, bro," Luke says, turning away from the guy with clenched fists.Luke takes your hand and is about to pull you away when the guy says, "Didn't seem like she cared much for you a minute ago, bro."Less than a minute later, you catch Ashton's eyes as Luke's dragging you across the dance floor toward the exit, and he shakes his head.Luke doesn't look back as he storms out of the club and into the alleyway. He pushes you against the outside of the club and you smirk as you feel the brick press into your back."Fuck," Luke breathes out. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"You don't answer, but you school your face into an expression of innocence, and that's enough. Luke curses again.He unclenches his fist and rubs his hand with the other one. "God, that always hurts a lot less when I'm wearing gloves.""You didn't have to punch him, you know," you say, wrapping your arms around Luke's neck. "We were just going to -""Don't fucking say it." Luke grabs you by the wrist and drags you behind him toward the car. He opens the door and climbs in. He doesn't bother waiting for you to climb in after him; he just pulls you up and onto his lap.Luke closes the door and lifts you off his lap long enough to shove his jeans down to his knees.He sits you on his lap and just stares at you for a moment. You bite your lip, because you know it's likely to drive him crazy. It does. He rubs his hands up your thighs, where they're spread on either side of his lap. He runs one of his hands to the top of your thigh and slides his thumb against your wetness."Fuck," he groans. "No panties tonight, Y/N?"You just shrug; you knew you were getting dick tonight. Luke brings his thumb up to his mouth to taste you. He hums, and you let out a needy whine. It's already been too long since you've been touched.Luke seems to get that. He grips your hips and pulls you roughly against his half-hard cock. He's holding you against him hard and grinding his hips up against you. You're letting out low, needy noises but you're still hiding them in Luke's neck. He's making no effort to be quiet, freely moaning into your ear."I bet that guy couldn't make you feel this good, Y/N," Luke says against your ear. "Bet he's not as big as me, either.""Lu-uke," you moan when he grinds up against you particularly hard. Luke groans and you swear you can feel his cock twitch through his underwear."That's right; moan my name. Who's making you feel this good, baby?" He slows his movements until you can't describe them as anything but deep even though you haven't been penetrated. Yet."You. Just you," you breathe. Luke hums in response.You've just started to think you can come from this when you hear the car door open."Oi, what the fuck?" Ashton says."This is why girlfriends aren't fucking allowed on tour, Luke," Calum says.Michael doesn't say anything, but you're sure you can hear him snickering."Go the fuck away, guys," Luke growls. He pulls you closer to him, which only makes you gasp. Calum raises an eyebrow, but he looks more amused that put-off."Sorry, can't do that," Ashton says, tone authoritative. "We're not waiting until another car gets here, so you two can suck it up and wait.""Fuck...okay, fine," Luke begrudgingly agrees. The other three boys climb in, along with the driver. They all steer clear of sitting near you two, though.By the time the car has pulled out onto freeway, Luke's got his pants pulled back up, but he doesn't zipping or buttoning them.You move to sit in the empty space next to Luke, but he pulls you back down onto his lap. This time, he wedges one of his thighs between yours."Do you really think I'm fucking done with you, Y/N?" Luke whispers into your ear. "We had one night together and you wasted half of it dancing on some fucking loser. Be quiet or else."Luke looks around for a few seconds and the others aren't paying attention or they're pretending not to; he doesn't really care. His mouth is still really close to your ear so he nips at your earlobe and sucks on it for a few seconds, which causes you to hiss and your hips stutter a little.

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