He's The School Jock

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Ashton: You heard the sound of the door slam shut and smiled to yourself knowing it was Ashton. "Back babe." He said getting into the driver’s seat of the car. He had football practice and you told him you'd just wait in the car because he's parked so you had the perfect view of the field, seeing as people weren’t allowed to watch this was your best and only option. "Did you have fun watching me play?" He asked knowing the answer. You smiled kissing his lips. He had took a shower and his hair was still lightly damp, you ran you fingers through it. He began to kiss your neck making you smile. "Look's like you've got a bit worked up." You said. "Ummm..." He mumbled on your neck. Your hand your hands over his big muscles. "Well you've been my motivation." He said kissing you once more. 

Calum: you walked down the corridor in Calum’s varsity jacket, it had 'HOOD' written on the back. "(Y/N)" you heard a voice shout as you spun around. It was the coach. You stopped and smiled as he came walking towards you. "(Y/N) can you give this to Calum for me please I forgot to give it to him at training and I know you'll see him tonight." He said handing you a slip of paper. "I will but may I ask how you knew that." You asked. All the teachers knew about you and Calum, to be honest you didn’t try to hit it. "He never stops going on about you, The whole team knows what plans you guys always have!" as the coach laughs. "Anyway thanks." He said walking off. It was cute how Calum spoke about you, you really did like him. 

Luke: It was half time and Luke had missed the team talk, well he didn’t need to be there as the team worked around him, to come and see you. You were standing on the bottom step on the stairs of the bleachers, you were around Luke's height, well more than normal. His helmet was on the bench by the rest of the team; his sweaty hair was stuck to his for head, pieces sticking up now and then. Your hand's were around his neck and he was holding your waist. "Babe I wish half time was longer." Luke said. "I know, but you always have after the game. Now go do me proud captain." You smile as he kisses you lips. His hot skin against you causing, as usual, amazing feelings through your body. The kiss deepened and got more passionate as you heard people calling Luke to get on the field. "Luke on the pitch now, stop making out with (Y/N) for two minutes." Calum called. He kisses you once more hard and for longer than normal before pulling away and pecking your lips. He winked before jogging away. 

Michael: Michael had his arm around your shoulders as you and the rest of the team walk out to the parking lot. “So Mike you gonna snatch this one up for good or am I gonna be in with a chance?" Ashton said cheekily. You and Michael weren't official but you acted like it. "Sorry dude no one's getting their hands on this little lady from me." He said kissing you. He took off his varsity jacket placing it around your shoulders. "Dang, I would still like to though, (Y/N) if you ever get bored of this one." Ashton winks. "Ash mate I’m gonna give you five seconds to run." Michael said planting a kiss on your lips before he began to count. 

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