Sad Luke Imagine

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You and Luke have been going out for the past 6 months and things have been hard on the two of you.
Luke is gone a lot of the time because of tour and stuff. Meanwhile, you've had to deal with the hate and bullying that you get from fans and some of the kids at your school because of you and Luke.

One day, you've just had enough of everything. You've had enough of the hate and the bullying. Crying as you walk to the one place that you swore never to go back to. The back corner, on the second shelf, of your bathroom closet.
You reach for the box that had your razors in it. "Why does this stuff always happen to me?" You think as you're turning the water on in your tub.
You slide in letting the water warm your skin. "Why does this always happen to me?" You ask yourself as you grab a razor and hold it on your skin. 'Just do it,' the monster in the back of head says, 'End it.'
One cut led to another and two led to four more until your wrist and forearm were covered in blood.
"Y/N! I'm home early!"
Luke. "He's not supposed to be here. Oh crap. How am I gonna cover this up." You think. "I'll be down in a moment babe!" You call back to him.
"Okay. But please hurry. I want to see your beautiful face!" He yells back.
"Alright! I will!" You get out of the tub and dry off. You wrap your arm as best you can but you know it won't last long. Grabbing a long sleeve from the pile of clothes you walk down to greet your smiling boyfriend.
"I missed you." He says giving you a hug and a kiss on the nose. You wince, you could feel the blood seeping through the bandage and sleeve.
"Babe? What's wrong?" Luke asks with a worried look on his face.
"It's nothing Luke. I'm alright." You lie. You hated lying to him but you had to.
"You sure?"
"I'm positive, babe." 'He's thinking of leaving you. When he finds out, he's gonna leave you.' The monster said.
"Y/N... Are you sure your alright? You look really pale."
"Luke... I-" Was the last thing you said before you lost consciousness.

Luke POV

"Luke... I-" Y/N said before she collapsed on the floor.
"Y/N? Y/N?! Please let this just be a trick. Y/N." I panicked. My girlfriend was unconscious, on the floor and I had no idea why.
As I kneeled down to pick her up I saw that her sleeve was a shade of red. I rolled it up revealing a bandaged arm. Her arm was full of cuts. Some if them small and others looked deep. "What did I do  to make you do this?" I knew I had to call the ambulance or I might not see her again.
Twenty minutes later the ambulance was here and taking her to the hospital. I called the boys to meet me at the hospital and told them that I would explain everything when they got there.
"I hope your going to be alright, Y/N. I don't know what I'm going to do without you here." I cried in the back of the ambulance.
"Her pulse is dropping. She's going into shock." An EMT yelled. One of the other EMTs came up to me and asked what happened. I told them. I told them everything I that I knew about what happened. The EMT just looked at me. I could see it in their face. Shock and fear. They were as scared as I was.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked. I was worried sick and we hadn't made it to the hospital yet.
"We won't know till we get her to the hospital. Do you know why she would've done this?" The same EMT asked.
"No. I actually have no clue."
We had been in the ambulance for half an hour before we finally got to the hospital. But when we got there, Y/N was rush into the emergency room. I looked around for the boys and there they were worried about Y/N as much as I was.
"It's gonna be alright, mate." Calum said after giving me a hug.
"I'm not so sure, Cal. There were cuts on her arm and some of them looked pretty deep." I said. Ashton stiffened a little. He and I both knew about Y/N's past and I would tell that he was worried more than the other boys.
"She's a fighter Luke. She'll make it." Michael said trying to lighten the mood pacing around the room, and I was sitting in the chair next to Y/N. Her hand was cold, but I could feel that there was some sliver of hope that she was goa little bit, but he failed at it.
"I'm not so sure, Michael. I'm not so sure."

It had been almost three hours since I had gotten to the hospital and the doctors still hadn't told me anything. Michael and Calum were asleep in the chairs. While Ashton and I were nervous wrecks. Since I'd met Y/N, Ashton was like an older brother to her and I didn't have a problem with that. But all this waiting was killing me. I wanted to know if she was going to be alright. I needed to know now, not in the next ten minutes.
Just as I was thinking that I could possibly lose the best thing that could ever happen, the doctor comes out and walks toward us.
"Are you boys here for Y/F/L/N?"
"Yes!" Ashton and I said. We probably scared the other people in the waiting room but I really didn't care.
"I need to talk to a family member. Not two boys." The doctor explained.
"Listen, sir. We're the only family she has." Ashton said.
"Alright. Then a boyfriend perhaps?"
"I'm her boyfriend." I said. My stomach dropped as I walk away with the one person that could brighten or worsen my day.
"Y/N is in critical condition. She's lost a lot of blood and is very weak. We're not sure if she's going to make it through the night."
"Can I go see her? Please?" I said with tears running down my face. "And can they come too?" I added, pointing towards ash, cal, and mike.
"Yes. But do not wake her up. You hear me?"
"Yes, sir." I sniffle. I walked over to the boys. "We can see her now. Wake Calum and Michael up."
"Calum, Michael. Get your butts up. We can see Y/N now."
"Alright, Ash. We're getting up."
Michael and Calum were stumbling down the hallway to Y/N's room. Me, I was more on a mission to see her. When the four of us finally got to her room, a nurse let us in and then left before we could say something. Y/N looked so cold and there was nothing I could do to help her. We sat in the chairs scatter around the room. Calum ended up on the floor, Michael was in the corner, Ashton wasnna make it.

:((((((((((((((((((( thanks
for writting this imagine for my book and thanks for all that read this chapter why dont you go follow this gurla she writes amazing :)

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