He talks about your sex life

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*no worries, does not contain anything kinky or…you know…. weird, so don’t panic :p*

Michael: You are settled down in front of your laptop with some maltesers, watching 5sos newest interview, streamed live on youtube. You’ve already missed a good 5 minutes of it because your mother insisted on you unloading the dishwasher first, but apparently, the boys are talking about what they miss the most about home. “I’d have to say probably my family and my girlfriend” Michael admits, looking adorably awkward. “Nawww” you say out loud, even though you are completely alone and no one can hear you. “What do you miss most about your girlfriend?” the interviewer asks. Michael ponders this for a moment, and you brace yourself, interested in his answer. “I’d have to say the sex. It’s pretty amazing” he says, nodding, making the interviewer and the other boys burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding, i miss her laugh and her weird sense of humour…. I don’t know, i just miss everything about her. I miss the way i feel when she’s around” he admits, blushing slightly when the boys heckle at him and Calum nudges him suggestively in the side. “Wait, you’re gonna cut that first bit out of the final interview, right?” Michael asks the interviewer. “Mate, this is streaming live, no cutting out of anything” the interviewer replies,almost pitiful of Michael’s blurt about your sex life. “Oh. Shit” Michael mutters, rubbing his neck uncomfortably. You’re not sure how to react. One on hand, you feel cringe-worthy in embarrassment about the mention of your sex life to an life audience. What if Luke’s mum sees this? What if YOU mum sees this? But then again, everyone knows he’s just joking around, plus the ending was just too freaking cute, probably one of the sweetest things you’ve heard your slightly emo, punk-rock boyfriend say. You just decide to go with it, popping another malteser as you continue to watch the interview.

Ashton: 5sos has decided to grace the world with another live twit cam, thankfully. You are dying for a new one. Sure, you face chat and skype with your boyfriend, Ashton, whilst he is away all the time, but somehow watching him interact on twitcam and with the other guys too, it just makes it more special and funny. Plus, you miss your buddies, Luke, Calum and Michael too. You’ve grown quite fond of those three rascals since your relationship with Ashton has started. “Hey guys! How are you all doing? So sorry we haven’t done a twit cam in a while, it’s been crazy!” Ashton starts off once it goes onlin., making your heart melt at his genuine smile, his sweet little dimples engraved in his little chipmunk cheeks. How can one person be so cute yet so sexy at the same time? The world may never know….. “So um…. Instead of us just being idiots for 40 minutes, we actually planned something for today. We want you to ask us some questions, like properly. Anything you want to know, we’ll answer it for you, so get tweeting” Ashton continues to say, giving a thumbs up with his weirdly double-jointed thumbs. Michael grins somewhat awkwardly, Luke is on his phone and Calum keep fidgeting in his seat, trying to get a better look at the screen. “Ok, first question, it’s for Michael, and it asks what is your favourite food?” Calum reads out, squinting. Michael looks pointedly at the camera. “If you don’t know this, you cannot call yourself a fan!” he says, his face serious. “Everyone knows Michael is in a relationship with pizza! Must be band wagon fans. Welcome!” Ashton chimes in in his cute, perky manner, always the friendly one of the bunch. “Ok, next one’s for Ash. Penelope wants to know what (Y/n) is like in bed…Woahh” Calum chuckles. You watch Ashton’s reaction very carefully, finding this scenario extremely humorous. He looks incredibly unsure, doubtful and embarrassed, turning a pinkish colour. “Well… Um..Uhh… Next question?” he replies weakly. “He means he isn’t complaining, isn’t that right, Ashton?” Michael steps in, putting his arm around Ashton, making him even redder,  bless his soul. He doesn’t answer, which everyone takes as a yes. You shake your head, laughing at his awkwardness. You can’t wait till he gets back so next time someone asks that question, he’ll know exactly what to answer ;)

Luke: the boys from 5sos are being interviewed for part of a well known musicians magazine. They are all dressed up and excited, sitting on a comfy couch whilst the journalist asks them questions. “So Luke, I understand your mother is on tour with you. How is that like?” he asks Luke. “Well, iImean on one hand, it’s amazing because i love her and i don’t have to miss her like the other boys miss their family, but she can be on my case sometimes” Luke responds, choosing his words wisely. “I see, I see. Well, since you are with your mum, who do you miss most back home? Perhaps your girlfriend, (UY/n)?” “Oh yeah, definitely. She is amazing, i wish she could be on tour with us too, i know she’d have a blast, but she’s probably be scarred for life by the way we live and go crazy living with us 24/7” Luke grins. “So you’re glad she isn’t with you?” “Well, not glad, but i think it’s better this way. Besides, it would be difficult because, i’d see her around all the time and be really sexually frustrated because obviously we can’t do anything with my mum watching us all the time. I swear she can smell mischief on you or something” Luke laughs breezily. “Plus, it wouldn’t be fair if Luke got laid and all us other suckers have to remain sexually frustrated” Michael pipes in. Guess what makes the front line of the magazine? Luke Hemmings admits ‘It’s better my girlfriend is home because otherwise i’d get sexually frustrated’. Yup, that’s your man, Luke Hemmings.

Calum: You finally get your weekly phone call with Calum. It’s the only part of the week you truly look forward to, even crossing out days in your calendar. It’s sad you can’t call him more often, but the international charges make more than once a week impossible. Besides, it’s nice just to hear his voice. “I miss you, Cal” you tell him, pouting even though he can’t see you. “I know, babe. Me too. I wish I could….” his sentence is abruptly ended when you hear rustling and high-piched giggles through the phone line, accompanied by muffles shouting. “Hey (y/n), you know Calum misses you soooo much, you’re all he ever talks about!” you identify Ashton’s voice on the other line, followed by his ridiculously entertaining laugh. “Yeah, he talks about you so much! In fact, just the other day he said how much he misses sleeping with you and that you are awesome in bed! Good on you, (Y/n), satisfying you man!” you now hear Luke shout into the phone, making you raise your eyebrows and giggle. “Hey no, stop it guys! Give it BACK!” you hear Calum’s pathetic attempt to snatch the phone back. “(Y/n)? Babe?” he asks once he has reclaimed it. “Uhuh?” you answer, interested in what he has to say for himself. “Don’t listen to Luke! He’s just jealous i love you more than him! He WISHES i would sleep with him” he shouts so Luke can hear. “Fuck off, I have Ashton! Lashton for life!” he yells back. “You aren’t mad, right babe?” Calum asks cautiously. “No, of course not!” you chuckle. Oh boy, trust you to pick the guy with the 3 weirdest but most amazingly hilarious friends in the world to be your boyfriend. Never a dull moment with those crazy kids.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now