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*Based on the lyrics of Superman by Taylor Swift* :)

Calum: "He’s got his mother’s eyes, his father’s ambition, I wonder if he knows how much that I’ll miss him"

His lips move but no sound reaches your ears. You are completely fixated on his breath taking features. His plump, juicy lips, his impossibly big, brown eyes that shine with determination and perkiness, his razor sharp cheekbones…… He is so perfect. He definitely won the gene jackpot, you marvel silently, whilst absentmindedly nodding along to whatever he is saying You think it may be another one of his plans or goals he has planned. He has a lot of those. He is so cute when he gets all excited and worked up, talking about his ideas and plans for the future. It never ceases to make you feel warm and melty inside. “Oh shit, I have to get to band practice!” he suddenly exclaims, glancing at his watch. He waves a quick goodbye and takes off. Your heart sinks a little as you watch him leave, as it does every time. He doesn’t even realise that every second you get to spend wit him is pretty much the high light of your day, and when he leaves, you can’t help but feel genuinely disappointed and sad, literally just waiting for the next time you get to run into him.

Ashton: "I always forget to tell you I love you"

"Please! I NEED you!" Ashton begs you profusely. You waver for a second, taking in his pleading eyes and begging smile that brings out his adorable dimples. How could you possibly say no? "Alright, but i’m only helping you! You have to find the answers by yourself" you tell him sternly. "Thank you!" he breathes a sigh of relief, following you to the table so you can help him finish off his assignment. You patiently explain all the questions to Ashton, but nervously glance up at the big clock hanging over the wall. Technically, you are suppose to meet a friend for a study date in…. ten minutes ago, but you can’t seem to tear yourself away from Ashton. You feel terribly guilty, yet the electrifyingly magnificent feeling that curses through you while you are near Ashton blocks out some of it. "Finished! Finally!" he exclaims gleefully, his grin broad and heart-breakingly sweet. You are over half an hour late by now. "Thank you so much (y/n)! You’re the best friend EVER!" he says, giving you a quick hug and hurrying off to get to his class. Best friend ever. That is probably all you’ll ever be to him, considering you are for some reason unable tot ell him how much you actually like him……

Luke: "Wishing the flowers were from you, wishing the call was from you"

You smile, ruffling through your assortment of flowers and birthday cards that have assembled in your room. Some are from family, some from friends and they are all gorgeous. “(Y/n)! Phone call for you!” your mum calls from downstairs. You light up like a firework, running down the stairs so fast you almost fall, because there is still one call you are expecting. “Hello?” you answer with excitement. “Hello, darling! Happy birthday!” your nan replies on the other line. Your posture slacks slightly, as all the excitement floods from your body. Not that you aren’t happy to hear from your grandmother, it’s just, you kinda were hoping it was from Luke. From all the people who have called or sent presents/flowers/cards, none of them have been from Luke. It isn’t like you were expecting him to remember. You aren’t THAT good of friends, but that hasn’t stopped you from daring to hope. However, this has lead to the consequence that you are now genuinely disappointed every time someone who isn’t Luke calls the house to congratulate you. “Thanks, Nan” you respond half-heartedly, barely listening to her ramblings of old memories when you were still a tiny tot. Why hasn’t he called? You wonder, biting your nails. Has he forgotten? Stop obsessing! you demand yourself angrily, trying to tune in to your grandmother. “Yep, I remember, Nan. Thanks again, I’ll see you soon. Bye” you eventually hang up, lingering a moment by the phone in case it magically rings with Luke on the other line. It doesn’t. So, you make your way back upstairs to your bedroom, just waiting for Luke to call.

Michael: "Tall, dark and beautiful, he’s complicated, he’s irrational, but I hope someday he’ll take me away"

Everyone knows at least one bad boy, the guy everyone tells you to stay away from but god damn it, as hard as you try, you just can’t. Michael Clifford is that guy for you. Tall, stoic and handsome, his slightly cocky, punk-rock attitude makes him somehow undeniable to you. His pale skin contrasts against his shaggy, brownish hair, which has been dyed many different colours before, but you prefer it most at this stage; a dark, chocolatey hue that compliments his light green eyes and devilish smirk. He is flamboyant and unpredictable and he does what he wants when he wants. He isn’t the easiest person to rely on, but somehow, it doesn’t matter to you. All you can think about is how good it would be to call him yours, fight over stupid, insignificant things because you are both so thick-headed and unable to admit defeat and hold him, feeling his strong arms wrap around you protectively. You don’t want an easy relationship. you want Michael Clifford, in all his complex, frustrating nature. You want to kiss his subtle, full lips and never stop. You want this bad boy to come take you to the dark side.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now