You are drunk

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Calum: "Are you drunk?" Calum asks, chuckling, as you stumble through the door after dinner with your girlfriends. You may have had one or five too many martinis, but you were tapping into some seriously emotional subjects ok? "Maybe" you giggle, tripping in your high heels. Luckily, Calum swoops down just in time to catch you from hitting the hard floor, helping you stand upright. "Easy there" he grins, obviously amused at your inebriated state. "I’ll be fine, i just need to…." you start, waddling over to your closet, already forgetting what you wanted. "You need to sleep it off, come on" he smiles, shaking his head, pulling you onto the bed. You let out a sigh of satisfaction when you land on the soft bed, barely managing to kick off your shoes and snuggle into Calum’s warm and broad chest. "You’re pretty" you murmur, running your hand through this thick black hair, making him snort. "thanks, you too" he chuckles again. His strong, protective arms fold around you, making you feel safe and comforted, as you drift off to sleep next to Calum.

Luke: "WOOOOO!" you shout out, bumping and grinding ridiculously to the loud music booming from the speakers. Your boyfriend and his band mates are having a party as they have just returned from their tour, and have invited loads of friends, some of which you are very familiar with namingly Tequila, Vodka, all your other good companions. "Woops" you giggle, as some of the clear liquid from your glass spills onto your dress. "I think you’ve had enough of that" you hear a deep, rough voice from behind, and a hand taking away your glass of joy. "Hey!" you exclaim, your mind foggy and clouded by the alcohol. "I wasn’t done with that!" "Yes you were, come on" your boyfriend, Luke, says, trying to drag you away from the party, sensing how utterly wasted you are. "I want to stay" you whine, even though the majority of you knows it’s time to go. Luke seems to realise this too and doesn’t take no for an answer, simply picking you up and throwing you over is shoulder. You splutter with laughter as Luke the giant carries you into the guest room, away from the deafening music and endless drinks. "But the party’s not over yet" you pout, as soon as he set you down on the bed. "It is for you, party girl" he grins, giving you a peck on the nose. "I’m not even that drunk!" you insist, trying to get up. His restraining grip around your wirsts prevents you from going anywhere. "Come on, i’ll stay with you. If you drink anymore, you’ll be on the short list for a new kidney" he jokes, pulling your head down onto his chest, as he lies down next to you. You can’t resist his sweet scent and warm embrace, so cuddle against him, dozing off happily in his arms.

Michael: You can barely see straight anymore, everything around you is spinning and slightly unfocused. You look around at the circle of boys, all chucking back another shot of tequila. How do they do it? None of the 5sos members seem even remotely affected by the massive amounts of liquor ingested tonight. You feel a warmness spreading inside you, as the alcohol rises to your head. “I just love you all so much!” you start gushing. “I love you, Calum, and you, Ashton, and you too, Luke, But especially, i love you, Michael, even though you are a bit weird, it’s ok, i still love you, you are so cute. Like a big fuzzy teddy bear with really cool hair” you proclaim, ignorant to the snickering of the boys at your drunken confession. Michael cocks up an eyebrow. “Alright, i think someone’s had enough” he announces, getting up and pulling you to your feet. “But where are we going? We were having so much FUN!” you exclaim, throwing your hands in the hair, almost knocking Michael in the face. “Ok, easy there, tiger. You shouldn’t have tried to keep up with the guys, they can hold their liquor, unlike some of us…” he laughs at you. “Hey, i’m not drunk! I am just a tiny tiny bit tipsy” you tell him, not even convincing yourself. “Uhuh, yeah, for sure. Here, drink this” he instructs, handing you a glass of water. “Just sit tight, i’ll go get you a donut to soak up some of that tequila” Michael says, kissing your cheek swiftly. “You’re such a good boyfriend” you murmur, more to yourself, as Michael has already left. By the time he has returned with donuts and more water, you are passed out cold on the floor. He gives a small smile and carries you bridal style to his bed, before rejoining the boys, checking up on you every half hour to make sure you’re ok.

Ashton: "What are you doing?" Ashton inquires curiously, as well as amused, when he comes into the kitchen to see you standing on the table, flapping your arms in a pathetic attempt to dance. "I’m jamming out" you slur, bobbing your head, not in sinc to the music. Ashton throws a questioning look at Luke, Michael and Calum, who all stand on the ground, watching in fascination. He then notices the pink drink in your hand, spilling everywhere. "Whatcha got there?" he asks, taking it from you. "Oh, the boys gave it to me! It tastes GOOOOOOODDDDD" you tell him, breaking out in more hideous dance moves, the ones that will haunt you once you are sober enough to realise what an ass you’re making of yourself. Ashton sniffs the drink suspiciously, then turns to the boys, his free hand on his hip. "You spiked her drink?!" he accuses them. "Hey! We didn’t know she is such a lightweight! But come on, look at her! This is so much more entertaining than the tv!" Luke laughs. Ashton shakes his head. "You are taking advantage of my poor, innocent girlfriend!" he exclaims, coming over to you once again, helping you off the table. "She agreed to drink it!" Calum defends himself. They know Ashton isn’t really mad though, he actually finds this whole scenario pretty amusing himself. "Come on babe, let’s get you sober" he says to you, leading you to the bedroom so you can sleep off the toxins of alcohol."I love you" you smile cheesily at him, as he helps you out of your clothes and under the duvet. "Love you too, now go to sleep. We need you nice and sober for tomorrow morning" he grins, dropping a few little but sweet kisses on your face. "She is not even gonna remember this tomorrow" you faintly hear Ashton say to Luke. "Lucky then i caught her little spazzing out session on camera. Keek will love me for this" he smirks evilishly, before you drift into a heavy sleep, unaware of and unable to comprehend how badly Luke is about to humiliate you on the internet.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now