Song Preference - What I Like About You (5SOS cover)

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'That's what I like about you, you hold me tight'

Calum's POV:

It was the day I was leaving, to go on tour again and leave her. I hated leaving her, and she hated me leaving. I told myself to stay strong and not cry because I knew that if I did I would never be able to leave. 

"Calum"? She whispered, clutching onto my shirt while tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "Y/N? Please don't cry" I whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I'll try" she stuttered, wiping her eyes. "It's only 3 months. I'll be back before you know it"

"A lot could happen in three months" She muttered. "I know, but I promise I will be home soon" I said. She looked up at me and the tears started falling. "Don't cry Y/N, you are too gorgeous to cry" I said, trying to soothe her as she held me tight. 

"I love you so much" I told her. "I love you Calum"


'keep on whispering in my ear, tell me all the things that I wanna hear'

"Michael, please put the laptop down. The people are all telling you lies" You begged as you tried to pry away your boyfriends laptop. "Then why the hell do I get told I'm useless and I should die every day?" He whispered, "I wish you wouldn't believe them" You whispered. "I don't deserve someone as amazing as you" he said, turning to me with bloodshot eyes. "I don't deserve someone as perfect as you, Michael"

"I love your green eyes, cause they are my favorite shade of green and they are beautiful. I love your hair, and how you can pull of any color and still look perfect. I love your body, and I don't care that you don't have abs because you are still beautiful without them. I love everything about you Michael, and I don't see how you can't see that" You whispered in his ear.

He looked at you and grabbed your face as his lips touched touched yours. "I love you so much" he whispered against your lips. "I love you more"



'and what I like about you, you really know how to dance'

You were a professional dancer, and Luke loved that. "You are a horrible dancer Luke" you giggled as Luke did the sprinkler and jumped around the room. "Tell me something I don't know" he laughed, rolling his eyes. "Here. I'll teach you some ballet"? You suggested. "Ballet"? Luke cringed. "Sure! It'll be fun" you grinned. 

"Okay" Luke sighed, nodding. "Okay, first we need to stretch. So hold on too... The bench"! You pointed out as you held on to the side and stretched your leg out. "Do I have to do that"? He asked. "Unless you wanna hurt your muscles, than yes" you nodded. "Okay.." He muttered, and grabbed onto the side of the bench and put his leg out embarrassed.

"You're embarrassed! Ha"! You laughed. "Well dudes don't do ballet" He mumbled. "Yeah, we have 2 guys in our class"? You laughed. "Whatever. I don't' do ballet"

"Not punk rock enough"? You teased. "Exactly"


'never wanna let you go, know you make me feel alright'

Ashton's POV:

"I never wanna let you go" I whispered to Y/N as we were lying down cuddling. "I don't want you to leave me" she whispered. "I won't, I promise"

"Do you love me Ash"? She asked. I nodded. "I love you so much Y/N. You keep me sane"

"Do you love me Y/N"? I asked, even though I knew the answer. "More than you know Ashton. Thank you" she said.

"For what"?

"Coming into my life and making it amazing" 

"You're perfect Y/N" I told her. "No one can be perfect, but"? She whispered. "Somehow you are"

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