"Wherever You Are." Luke Oneshot

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You walked through the airport, a little surprised at the small amount of people and the quietness of the place. Due to the rain that was pouring outside, many of the flights had been cancelled but unfortunately, Luke’s flight was one of the few that were still on schedule. 

With his fingers securely intertwined with yours, you stood quietly behind him as he recieved his ticket.

"Flight 27 is now ready for boarding. Flight 27 is now ready for boarding." The loud intercom said as the two of you arrived as his destined gate. As the rest of the boys bid you goodbye, you felt a knot in your stomach when Luke finally turned to you. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around him. A few tears escaped your eyes, and as you pulled away, Luke finally spoke.

"Y/N-" He said, and the tone of his voice indicated what was about to come. "I know we talked about this, but I don’t can’t do this. I can’t-"

"So you’re just going to break up with me." You said as a tear rolled down your cheek. "You couldn’t have done it last week, or even yesterday when you said it would work out." 

A pool of tears began forming in his eyes as the intercom repeated his flight was boarding. 

"I’m sorry, Y/N." He whispered.

"Don’t be. It’s my fault for thinking it could work out." You said as you dried your eyes. From behind him, you saw Michael’s purple hair as he approached his friend. "You better go now." And in your moment of heartache and anger, you turned on your heels and walked away, without so much as a goodbye. When you finally reached your car, you were completely drenched. You began crying and furiously pounded your fists on the steering wheel.

You hated Luke. You hated him for lying to you. You hated him for hurting you. You hated him because you knew no matter what, you still loved him and knew you always would. But what you hated the most was the thought that he would soon forget about you and meet somebody else.

What you didn’t know was that as soon as the place took off, Luke began to sob silently. He felt horrible for what he had done, how he had hurt you. He silently cursed himself for giving up on the one thing that made him happy. He cried until he fell asleep, and even then the only thing on his mind was you.

(Luke’s POV)

"Are you sure?" Calum said as toyed with his bass before looking up at me. I tossed him my phone and he stared at the picture, his eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe they’re just friends?" He said as he handed back my phone. 

I looked at the picture of Y/N next to a man I didn’t know. “I doubt it.” I answered. “She has quite a few pictures with him.” 

Calum uttered a small laugh. “It’s pretty creepy that you’re stalking your ex girlfriend, you know.” I rolled my eyes at his comment as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. “Why don’t you ask her? I thought you guys worked everything out after- well, you know.” Calum said as the memory of the dreaded day replays in mind.

I shook my head as a childish attempt to forget about it. “We did, but it’s none of my business. The only reason I broke up with her was so she wouldn’t spend her days waiting for me. So she could find a boy that would be with everyday.” I paused, my stomach turning at the thought of her moving on. Calum shifted awkwardly in his chair, a small frown on his face. “I’m going to go lay down for a bit. Wake me up when Ashton gets back.” I shout halfway towards my bunk.

Shutting the curtain, I pull my phone out of my pocket and immediately look for Y/N’s contact. Without hesitation, I message her.

Hey Luke:) Great to hear from you! How have you been?’ She replies a few minutes later and although I was expecting a reply from her, I can’t help the sudden rush of excitement that overwhelms me as I read her message over and over again.

'I've been better. Yourself?' I mentally kick myself as I send the message. 

'I'm doing fine, better than ever actually!” Before I could reply, another message pops up. 'Is everything okay?'I could almost see the face she makes when she’s filled with concern.

'No, Y/N. Everything isn't okay. I miss you. I miss you like hell and I need you. You're all I find myself thinking about. Your smile, your laugh, I miss everything about you. It's killing me to think that you've already met somebody else, but I know in the end; It's all my fault. You need to that I only did what I did so that you could be happy, and that I love you more than I've ever loved anybody before.' My thumb hovers over the send button while I contemplate what I’m about to do. It isn’t fair to just throw this in her face unexpectedly. She could be with him, and to ruin her chance at happiness just to find mine isn’t worth it. Without another thought, I erase the entire message. "Just a little sick. I’ll feel better in a few days. I’ve got to run! Sound check. Talk to you soon.’ I lie to her as I silence my phone and pull my blanket over my face as if to block out the thoughts of her.

I hadn’t noticed I had drifted off until I felt somebody gently shaking me. 

"Luke, mate. Time to get up." Ashton said as he disappeared. As I pulled my phone from under the pillow, a message from Y/N sat unread.

'Feel better! And wherever you are, take care:)'

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