One Shot/Imagine: Something You Should Know

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“Oh my god, what do you think he’ll get you?”

“I don’t know, I mean we didn’t really plan to buy each another anything…”

“But it’s Valentine’s Day! And he’s obviously crazy about you, so why shouldn’t he?” your best friend questions you as you slowly walk around the grass field

“Then that means I have to get him something as well!” you exclaim in confusion, referring to your boyfriend Nick. It was soon to be your first Valentine’s Day together and you are totally and completely stuck on what or what not to get him.

“Oh maybe you could go to that shop he likes in the cit-“

“Girls, this is not mothers club where you can push your prams and chat – hurry up and catch up with the rest of the class!” your teacher, Mr Hood, suddenly yells out at you both, cutting off your best friend in mid-conversation.

 “At least mothers don’t get yelled at by their teachers” your best friend mutters under her breath as the dark haired teacher turns the opposite direction; leaving you two in a fit of giggles as you both attempt to catch up with the rest of the class.

Once you both finally catch up with the rest of the class and finish the laps, you all head off towards the change rooms to return to normal school uniform when Mr Hood unexpectedly calls out your name; using hand gestures to signal you towards him.

“Yes, Mr Hood?” you question, sounding slightly worried yet innocent at the same time

“Don’t worry Y/N, you’re not in trouble…” he reassures you, allowing you to let out a sigh in relief

“Oh great, then what is it?”

“Well, it’s just, I’ve noticed lately you’ve been a little preoccupied in my classes…”

“-like distracted?”

“Yes, exactly… distracted. Anyway, most times I catch you and your friends talking about your boyfriend Nick? And well, I don’t think you should be dating him. Especially at your age, you should be focusing on school and not boys like him – you could do much better”

“Excuse me? You’re telling me to break up with m-“

“Good day Y/N, see you next lesson” Mr Hood suddenly interjects your speech, not letting you get any more words out before he storms out of the entrance towards the change rooms and back towards the school grounds.

What on earth?


A few weeks had now past since your strange encounter with Mr Hood, and things had been going along pretty well. You ignored your PE teacher’s advice and continued dating Nick; I mean, your grades were still good, why break up with Nick? You were happy with him and that was that.

Linking arms with your best friend, you happily waltzed into P.E class knowing that it was a study lesson rather than a sport lesson. But when you placed yourself into a seat, you noticed something different about Mr Hood. He seemed… happy? Like happier than usual. He was smiling and greeting everyone that walked into the classroom, his button up shirt wasn’t completely buttoned up and his hair was slightly ruffled… which made him look kinda hot.

Wait, whoa, that’s totally wrong. He’s your teacher!

“Alright class, settle down…” he calls out to you all, once everybody settles into a seat

“I just wanted to start the class off with some news… which may be good to some of you” he starts off, leading to the entire class breaking into whispers as to what might be going on. It’s only when he lets out a loud cough that Mr Hood gathers the attention of the class once again.

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now