Waking Up Michael

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You went to brush your teeth and put on a fresh shirt to realize he had to be the heaviest sleeper ever. He was so cute with his tummy rising as his steadily breathed while lightly snoring. It was very tempting to have a little fun to get him to wake him up. You placed thick kisses on his cheek which caused him to furrow his eyebrows in his sleep. You then trailed them down to his neck and whispered his name over again. He moaned and moved his face away while lazily swatting his hand in the air. "Michael..." You said again poking him his squishy tummy. You pulled a little on his arm as well. "Michael, baby wake up... I want to have breakfast with you." He wouldn't budge. He still seemed in a full on slumber state. You grabbed his face and placed more wet kisses on his lips. He scrunched his face slowly half waking up and lightly smiling at you. "Y/N... Just go without me. You don't need me." He muttered. You sat up and placed both hands on his shoulders. "Michael, I want to eat with you." You playfully demanded. Michael tried to roll over so you pinned his shoulders down and straddled him. "Y/N come on chill!" "Michael I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice babe." You started to hop onto his hips and add more pressure as he still wouldn't give in. "I WANT BREAKFAST MICHAEL WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE THE FUCK UP!" "Y/N oh my god my groin!" He groaned cupping you hips. You then hovered over him with your hands on his chest and your nose now touching his. "Will you get out of bed now?" You giggled. He smirked at you and shook his head, still standing his ground. "Please?" You pouted your lips at him. He groans, scrunching his face again as he palmed his crotch sitting up on his elbows. "Babe that really hurt my dick. Were you trying to deform it or something?" "Oh please, if we were both naked, that would be the last thing you'd say." He smirked and layed back down now stroking your hips and your pantie's elastic, biting his lip. You decided to do only what he clearly deserved. You leaned in and kissed his lips. For a while you both stayed in that postion, of course Michael being himself, had just begun to fondle your bare breasts under your shirt. Until you remembered what your intentions were. You already knew he thought he could get it easy out of you and that you'd forget about your failed attempts, you pulled away squinting your eyes at him and slowly shaking your head; getting off of him. "Fuck you then, Gordon." You sighed, unable to hold back letting out a gut wrenching laugh and slid off the bed trying to run away, but still recieving a hard smack on your butt."That's it!" He yelled as you left the room. He stormed after you, catching up and capturing you in his arms; kissing your neck as you both walked together front to back. "You're making your own breakfast too!" You giggled as he placed open mouth kisses on your shoulder. "I already had a meal but it tried to walk away." He giggled to himself, feeling so clever; picking you up bridal style and kissing your lips. "Nevertheless, I still won babe." you confidently stated, pulling him back in as he gave you a fake shame face.


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