Class Mates

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Ashton: "Ash come on we need to write something!" You say sitting next to Ashton with the end of your pen in your mouth. "I don't know what to write about." Ashton replied. "It's a love poem come on I've done half now it's your turn just make it rhyme and shiz!" I said he laughed as he always did when I said shiz. "Ashton stop laughing." You said laughing with him. Ashton's laugh made you laugh and your laugh made his laugh so it was just a cycle of laughs until everyone started to look at stare.

Calum: "(Y/N) turn to me for a second." Calum said to you. You both had to stay in lunch for art because you needed to finish course work. You tribes to Calum before you could open your mouth to ask him what he wanted you felt a paint brush on your face. Your mouth opened letting out little squeak as Calum laughed. "Ohhh Hood you're not getting away with that!" You replied grabbing his by the shirt and dipping your fingers in some black paint, and making Calum a cat.

Luke: "You don't get it do you?" Luke asked as he sat next to you in Math Class. You had done the first question and then got stuck while your partner Luke was on question 16. "No I don't get it please help me Lukey." You said looking into his blue eyes. You always thought Luke a hot but in Math Class he got to show his talent and it was even hotter. "Ok so what you do to this to get 10 is.." Luke said to you. You weren't really listening instead staring at him. "Huh?" You reply. "(Y/N) if you-you know want a tutor I-I can be your tutor if-if you want." He said shyly out of the blue. "I want you...that, that, I want that" you correct yourself.

Michael: "I'll get the goggles, you get that stuff." You say to Michael walking off and getting two pairs of goggles from the hangers. You came back and Michael surprisingly had set up all the equipment. This year your chemistry teacher had given you boy girl partners and you, as normal, were stuck with Michael. Michael was very cocky but funny you'd always had a slight crush on him but never admitted it. "Surprised you could reach them." Michael said mocking your height because you were tiny and he was massive. "Mike I'm not that tiny!" You reply back. "You are too you can fit under my chin and I even have to bend down slightly." He said putting his chin on your head and hugging you from behind. "Is it just me or do you feel some...chemistry...between us?" He said making you laugh. "Funny." You said discusing his comment. "No really I would like to take you out some time." He smiled as you stood there in shock.

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