Their Favourite Place To Kiss You

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Luke: I feel like Luke's favourite place to kiss you is on your cheek. Really quite simple, but I think he would do it literally all the time when you are both together. He would just wrap his arms around you, rubbing his stubbled-face over yours as he pressed his lips to your cheek as you wrap your arms around his neck. I also think he'd just peck your cheek when you're out and about at the simplest of times, such as when you're both shopping for groceries. You'd be reaching up to get a box of cereal and boom, he places a gentle kiss to your cheek.

Michael: Right okay. Michael is all about the boobs, like we all know. His favourite place to kiss you is most definitely your boobs, no doubt about it. If you were just chilling in bed together in your underwear, he'd push your boobs up and kiss the swelling skin above the cups of your bra. But if you're in sexy time, (like we all wish we could have with him, am I right?) he would pay so much attention to your boobs. Sucking on your nipples and nibbling gently, placing hot, open mouth kisses all around your boobs as you moaned and grabbed his hair.

 Ashton: Thighs. Like with Michael and his boobs, Ashton is all about the thighs. Let's say you were on the sofa, or your bed in your shared bedroom and things were getting heated. He would be getting prepared to give you oral, spreading your legs. But first, he'd be kissing and placing his hot, wet mouth all over your thighs, biting and massaging, desperately ignoring where you needed him the most.

Calum: We simply all know Calum would practically be attached to your neck and collarbones. You would be making dinner, or watching TV with him, and he'd wrap his arms around your waist, moving your hair so your neck was exposed to him. He would sigh and press his pink, plump lips to your neck. (God, I am obsessed with Calum's lips!) And he would place sloppy kisses on your neck as you stretched it allowing him more access. He would suck on your sweet spot, gently biting. He would probably turn the oven off and cheekily say, "Now I'm hungry for something else."

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