He Writes To You

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Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I miss you so much, it's inconceivable! Last night a fan asked me what I love about you and I just babbled on about it for at least 10 minutes. I was thinking about it, and I don't think I've ever told you everything I love about you. So here it goes: I love your hair, your eyes, your laugh, your crocked bottom tooth, the freckles on your nose, that ass ;), your collarbones, your hair color, your hair in general, the jokes you tell, how you can always pick me up when I'm feeling down, when you sing (even though it's off key), when you dance, when you smile, the way you walk, your sense of style, the way you look when you just wake up, and so, so much more. I'm so excited for when I get to come back home to see you.

 Stay strong,

Love you xxxxxxx-Ash



Hello gorgeous! I'm missing you like crazy and I know how much you love notes so I decided I would write one for you. J I love that you like writing instead of texting, it's so cool. I love your coolness, y/n. I want to be as cool as you. You know what else I love about you? How confident you are. You never let anyone get oyu down and it's amazing. You're so gorgeous too. I love how your eyes will squint when you smile and how wide your mouth gets. I love your voice too, and I miss hearing it in person!! L Soon babe! Then I'll get to hug that gorgeous body you have and kiss your lips! I'm so excited y/n! I love you so muchhhhhhh! Mwahhhh!<3

- Calum


Hi darling,

 I'm sorry you had such a bad day yesterday, I saw all the hate you were getting on twitter. Please just ignore it, I promise it's all lies. You aren't ugly; you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I love your beauty, every single part of it makes you who you are, and I would never change a single hair on your head. And you aren't fat. You have curves, and I love them so much. I love everything about you, from what you eat to what shampoo you use. Don't let these irrelevant people bring you down, they don't know how much you mean to me. I miss you and I'll see you soon!


Lukey :*


Dear y/n,

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY! I'm sorry I couldn't stay this morning so I wrote you this! I'll be back by noon, and we're going to have a video game-athon and we're ordering pizza! Hahah, but don't worry, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight too. J Once we get back I'm going to show you how much I love everything about you! (If ya know what I mean ;) ;)) But in a sweet way because that's how you deserve, you deserve nothing but the best. I love how laidback and chill you are and how much you enjoy the little things, so I'm gonna show you how much I love every little thing about you tonight! (I know what you're thinking: WAY TO RUIN THE SURPRISE CLIFFORD lol), but don't worry, there's a lot more in store ;)

Love yas,


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