Another Band Member Walks on You

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Calum: you and Calum are lying on the bed, just being lazy and cuddling. You have your head leaned against his thick chest, listening to his steady heart beat while he twiddles affectionately with the ends of your hair. “Are we going to do anything today?” you ask him, propping your chin up on his pecs. “I don’t think so…… Unless there is something in particular you want to do?” he replies thoughtfully. “I can think of something” you grin, shifting closer to his face and starting to kiss him. You feel him immediately responding to you, his big hands cupping your face, his long and gentle index finger gliding along your jaw line, his other hand snaking up the small of your back, slowly inching up under your shirt and along your spine, giving you tingles of joy. The kiss picks up in heat, and soon, you find yourself straddling Calum, wearing only your underwear, about to remove the last of your clothing when in the middle of a long and passionate kiss, the bedroom door bursts open without warning, and Luke stumbles in. “LUKE!” you cry, rolling off Calum in shock, quickly covering up. “Oh! OH! I’m… Sorry! I….” he stammers, bewildered and looking like a deer caught in head lights. “Get OUT!” you yell at him. He fumbles to find his feet and quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him awkwardly. You groan in embarrassment, but Calum simply chuckles. “We need to work on boundaries with your friends” you mutter, picking up where you left off nevertheless.

Michael: "We’re going out for lunch, do you wanna come?" Ashton asks Michael and you. Usually, anything involving food is a go for the two of you, but today, you have other plans. Plan that top even food. "No no, you go ahead, we’ll just….. stay here" you wave the three boys off. "Suit yourself" Luke shrugs, before they leave. You wait until you hear their chatter fade, before turning to Michael, a fat, mischievous grin spreading on your face. "We’re alone" you state. He smirks back, wriggling his eyebrow suggestively. You laugh, jumping into his arm, staring deeply into his forest green eyes, telepathically sending him thoughts of all the things you are going to do to him. It takes all but 3 seconds for you to strip down and start a heavy make out session, teasing each other with small love bites and nibbles. You are just about to get to it, when the front door swings open and Ashton struts in casually. "Hey! I just forgot my…. OHMYGOD WHAT ARE YOU….. OH MY GOD" he exclaims, paralysed when he catches you and Michael in the midst f your hook up session. He looks so overwhelmed, like he doesn’t know how to react or whether to look away or what. "Um….Umm.. Sorry! I… I can get my sunglasses later… Um… Bye" he stammers, turning around and running faster that you’ve ever seen him. "Next time, we’re going to my place" you grumble in utter embarrassment as Michael nods in agreement.

Luke: “Luke?” “Hmmm?” he answers, scrolling through his phone. “Luke?” “What?” he finally looks up, just to go slack jawed. “Surprise” you grin, standing before him in only lingerie, giving him a seductive glare. He licks his bottom lip, then bites it, as his eyes slowly wander over you’re exposed body. “What have I done to deserve this?” he asks gruffly, as you slowly come closer to him. “I guess it’s just your lucky day” you wink, sitting down on his lap, straddling him, a hungry look crossing his face. You push him back onto the bed to establish your dominance. He doesn’t resist, letting you take off his shirt and run your fingers down his naked torso.  He pulls your face downward to his, meeting your lips in a all consuming kiss, filled with sexual desire. “I am the luckiest guy on Earth apparently” he mumbles, a smile playing on his pink lips, just as….. “Hey Luke, Calum was wondering if….. Oh. Hello (y/n)” you hear an amused voice, belonging to Michael Clifford. You freeze, jumping off Luke, almost rolling off the bed in shock. “Oh, don’t stop on my account. Enjoy. Be safe kids” he chuckles, leaving the room completely unfazed. You throw Luke a look, not sure what to make of Michael walking in on you two. “You heard him, don’t let him stop you” he shrugs, pulling you back on top of him to continue where you had stopped.

Ashton: "No! STOP!" you giggle, running away from Ashton, as he chases you through the house, trying to tickle you. He catches up to you in no time, not stopping until you are on the floor in the bathroom, begging for him to stop tickling you. You pant breathlessly, as does Ashton. You stare at each other, Ashton hovering just above you, his eyes memorizing you. Before you know it, you have embarked on a hot make out session. Hands are everywhere, gripping your thighs roughly but at the same time gentle caressing your skin at your waist, his touch burning your skin with lust and fire. You know immediately that this is going somewhere good, so you let yourself relax into Ashton’s body, limbs intertwining and lips brushing against yours, as he hikes you up against the tile wall. "What’s going on here, why are you making so much no….. JESUS, ASHTON!" Calum suddenly exclaim, appearing out of thin air. You jump nearly five feet in the air, taken by completely surprise by his materialisation. "Calum, go away" he hisses. Calum has covered his face and is making disgusted sounds. "Oh GROSS MAN! Geez, would it KILL you to have sex in a private room like normal people? We WASH ourselves in this room! Pigs" he mutters, grumbling under his breath as he walks away You run your hands through your damp hair. "Well THAT was a mood killer" you remark, sighing heavily. "Well then let’s take it someplace else" Ashton grins, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to his room.

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