You're a Bookworm And It Turns Him On

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Ashton:"Y/n you haven't put that book down since the moment you got it." Ashton laughs. You simply nod without taking your eyes off the book. "You're my little nerd." Ashton says while putting his arm around you. You loved when he'd do this; you loved getting to cuddle up to your boyfriend while you read. "I feel like you were that kid in school that never put their book down and always got yelled at for reading in class."Ash says. "Babe, I'm trying to read." You say, trying not to sound too annoyed. "You just look so hot when you do this." Ashton says lowering his voice. You quickly glance at him with a smirk. "Whatever." You say with a giggle. "Ugh, just know that whenever you decide to put that book down...I'll be waiting." Ashton says in a goofy sexual voice. He stands up to walk to the kitchen, giving you a smirk. You laugh in response, "Lucky for you there's only a few chapters left." "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Ashton yells to you. You laugh and then get back to reading your book, partly thinking about what antics Ashton has in mind for later.

Calum:You and Calum were having a lazy day so you decided to curl up to a book. You had always loved reading, and lately you haven't had much time to do it. "Oh no... the bookworm is back." Calum says as he walks into the living room where you sat. "What do you mean?" "You used to never put a book down and I thought you were done with that phase." Cal laughs. "Oh, it's not a phase. It's a way of life." You say, trying to keep a serious tone. "I love it when you read. You look so hot when you're focused on something." Calum says with a smirk. You laugh at him before going back to reading. Before you could do so, Calum was hovering over you and blocking the light. "What?" You ask, slightly irritated. "Maybe you could take a break from the book?" Cal suggests as he leans down towards your face. "Maybe focus on something else for a bit?" He smirks. You lay down your book and pull him down on top of you. "I suppose I could do that for you."

Luke:"Y/nnnn." Luke whines, dragging out your name. "Luke, I'm trying to read." You say, turning the page. Luke stares at you from the other side of the couch. "I know, but every time you do you always bite your lip." He says, still in a complaining voice. "So?" You ask, not looking up from your book. Luke scoots over to you and rests his eyes on your lips. "Do you know how much it turns me on when you do this?" You smirk as he says this, trying not to give into him. "C'mon y/n, just real quick." Luke begs. "No I'm reading." You say, still smirking to yourself. "Babeeee." Luke whines while he lays his head on your shoulder. Seeing that you won't answer, Luke softly kisses your exposed neck. Then he does it again. Soon enough, he's sucking and biting your skin, leaving hickeys everywhere. "Luke." You warn. "Hm." Is all that he does in reply. You quickly sit your book down, causing Luke to look up from what he was doing with a smirk. You waste no time before slamming your lips into his. You could tell it was gonna be a fun night.

Michael:"My little nerd!" Michael says as he walks into the room. You were reading your favorite book for what seemed like the 100th time. "Yeah, whatever." You say. "So can you recite the book by memory yet?" Michael asks with a chuckle. "Not yet, so maybe I should read it again." You say in a sarcastic voice. "Now leave me alone so I can keep reading." Michael obeys to your surprise. You finish two chapters before it starts again. "You know how geeky you look in those reading glasses?" Michael asks with a smirk. "Michael, I can't help it. Don't make fun of me." You say turning red in the cheeks. Michael shakes his head, "Have I ever mentioned how hot you look in them?" He asks whilst walking towards you. "Maybe once or twice." You say, a grin growing on your face. "You really do." Michael whispers as he inches towards your face. "Maybe I could have a break for awhile." You whisper back. Michael smirks and shoves his lips onto yours. You smile into the kiss as you put your book down and begin to take your glasses off. "Oh no, these stay on tonight." Michael says with a wink while pushing them back on.

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