Sleeping together

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Michael- Your legs molded together along with the rest of your body. Your fingers would intertwine and rest on your hip. His arm being your pillow, kissing up your shoulder. Mumbling a incoherent 'I love you.' Before cuddling into your back, waiting for you to fall asleep first. Making sure nothing was going to get you.

Luke- Talking would put you to sleep, so that's what he would do. Even if he was in a bad mood, or grumpy. He would whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you spooned, resting his head in the crook of your neck still whispering until he heard light snores.

Calum- Face to face, with long sighs of relief, warm covers just out of the wash. He would smile in your direction, before planting a kiss on your lips. You would just snuggle up to his bare chest. His heart beats becoming a base of what would be your ear phones when he was tour, but this was better. He would groggily whisper how much he loved you.

Ashton- He would silently tuck you into the newly washed sheets. Kissing up your neck to right behind your ear. You just smiled, 'Goodnight Ashton.' You would say, turning to your back to him where he would come up behind you. Taking you into his warm body. 'Goodnight (y/n),"


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