He Gets His Wisdom Teeth Taken Out

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"Y/N! Look"! Luke giggled, pulling faces at you as you tried to concentrate on the road. "Luke, please. I need to drive" you smiled, looking at him quickly. "You hate me"! He yelled, crossing his arms and pouting.

"No I don't love, I love you" you sighed. "Then look at me! Y/N! Why do you hate me"! He cried, pouting even more. "Luke, I don't hate you babe" you giggled at his child like mood. "Pretty lights! Pretty"! He squealed. You chuckled, as you turned the corner into your street.

"It's your house Y/N! Am I staying over? Can I"? He asked grinning. "Sure" you shrugged turning the cars engine off as Luke undid the seat belt, and ran out of the car. "Y/N! Hurry"! He yelled, getting sad again. "Luke" you sighed, grabbing his hand and you went into your house.

"We're back"! You called out. "How is he"? Your mum asked. "Moody, sad, happy, hyper" you shrugged. "You're mean! See you hate me"! Luke yelled. You rolled your eyes at him.

"How are you feeling, Luke"? Your mum asked. "Sad" he frowned. Your mum nodding, a smirk on her lips.

"Good luck" she smiled.


"Are you hungry Mike"? You called out, as your boyfriend sat on the couch with a frozen packet of peas on his mouth.

"Very" he replied. "Okay, soup ok"? You asked. "Mhm" he replied. You got the can of soup out, and poured it into the bowl and put that into the microwave.

Once it had beeped you took it out, and got a cloth so you didn't burn yourself and grabbed a spoon.

"Here you go babe" you smiled setting the soup out. "Feed me"? He pouted, with his top lip sticking out instead. You giggled, nodding.

You put the soup onto your spoon and into your boyfriends mouth as he made a face. "What"? You asked. "It feels weird, because my mouth is numb" he smiled.

"Oh" you nodded, repeating the process until all the soup was gone.


"I don't wanna go in" he pouted. "Cal, c'mon we have been waiting forever" you sighed, as the doctor was waiting for you both to enter the surgery. "I can't feel my mouth"! He complained. You gave the surgeon an apologetic look then looked back at Calum.

"Just go in" you growled. "Fine" he mumbled, walking inside as you followed behind. "Ah, you made it in" the surgeon laughed.

"Okay, just lie down here and I will start" the surgeon nodded as Calum groaned, getting onto the large chair and lay down looking at you. "Your fault" he whispered. "It will be fine Cal" you sighed, squeezing his hand as the surgeon got the equipment and started with the procedure.

After the tooth was taken out Calum had to leave in cotton pad, to stop the bleeding. "Thanks" you smiled at the surgeon as, Calum and you walked out.

"Y/N! You lied! It hurts" he whimpered. "But isn't your mouth numb"? You giggled. He frowned. "Yes1 But it hurts" he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.


 You and Ashton had gone into surgery, and since you were a youtuber you thought it would be fun to vlog the experience. "Hey guys! Y/N here"! You smiled, turning the camera to outside the window. "I am here with Ash, and he is getting his wisdom teeth taken out"! You grinned turning the camera to him, as he waved. "Hey guys" he smiled. "Excited babe"? You asked. "So excited" he mumbled,

When you got inside the surgery place, Ashton was asked to lie down as you were talking to him and vloging. "We're gonna start" the surgeon nodded. "Can I video a bit? I have a youtube account" you asked. "Yeah, that should be ok" he nodded and started. You vlogged the bits where he was pulling the tooth out, and all the bits of Ashton mumbling and complaining that made you laugh

After the tooth was taken out you took out your camera and recorded Ashton. "How you feeling babe"? you giggled. He grunted, and put another cotton pad into his mouth. You nodded, silently laughing and went out and payed.

"Wanna go home? Starbucks"? You asked. "ome" he mumbled. "Cat got your tongue" you teased. He grunted again, and got inside the car and started complain with mumbles. 

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now