He likes You, but You like another Boy

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"Tonight my best friend, Y/N is backstage and I dedicate this song to her" Luke grinned into the crowd, the looking over at you smiling. You smiled back giving him a thumbs up wondering what song they were going to sing.

The beat to I've Got This Friend started, and you smiled at Luke. 

Can I have a minute, 

I gotta tell ya something,

I heard that someone likes you,

It might be nothing but he's right in front of you.

Luke started singing and you looked over at him while he turned to you.

He's kinda my size

Don't look now cause he's looking

I think you know him

but you just don't know that he's right in front of you.

The song continued and it was the end of the set, so they all ran off stage and Luke came off last nervously smiling at you. Luke had just sung to you, and thousands of other people that he liked you - but you didn't like him. You liked Ashton.

"Hey, did, you er like it"? He awkwardly asked scratching the back of his neck. You looked up at Luke smiling sympathetically at him. "Yeah, it was... Great Luke" You smiled, but you had to now crush his heart. "But - I don't like you... Like you like me" You breathed, slowly looking up at Luke.

He looked down at you, nodding. "Um, that's okay" he squeaked putting on a fake smile. "Luke -" You whispered before he walked away cussing underneath his breathe.


"Hey Mike... You are my best friend right"? You asked cautiously, sitting on the couch beside him as he paused the game of Fifa he was playing. "Yeah" He nodded. "And I can tell you anything"? 

"Yeah... What is it Y/N"? He asked. "Please don't tell the other boys... Especially Luke"! You said, speaking in a whisper. He nodded, letting you continue. 

"I, - I really like Luke" You whispered. You looked up at Michael and you notice his smile fall. "Are you okay Michael"? You asked. He looked at you, putting a smile on again. "Yeah. You, should maybe tell him" Michael suggested. You grinned up at Michael, and just as you were about to say something the door opened and Luke walked through. "Hey Y/N" Luke waved. "Hey Luke"! You grinned back. 

"I'm gonna go tell him! Thanks Mikey"! You smiled, hugging your best friend. "Anytime" he whispered, faking a smile. Hearing those words come out of his mouth felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart multiple times. 


"I like you Calum" You repeated to yourself out loud, before hearing a voice. You spun around seeing Ashton standing there with his eyebrows raised. "What"? He asked. "I thought you were Calum! God Ash, you scared me" You breathed heavily. Ashton chuckled, walking into the room closing the door. 

"You like Cal"? He asked. You nodded, shyly smiling. "Yeah, he's great... But he is always giving me mixed signs" You sighed. "Like he flirts with me one second, then he ignores me and it goes on and on" 

"He doesn't deserve you, Y/N" Ashton mumbled. "Ash! I really like him" you muttered. "You deserve better than him Y/N, he always ignores you" Ashton sighed. "I just gotta tell him" You told Ashton. He looked up at you nodding. "Ok" he whispered, as you walked out the room leaving him there to think of what it could have been like if you did like him. 


"But Michael in this video Calum"! You called out to your best friend. "What the hell, Y/N"? Calum asked. "He looks so hot" you muttered, laughing at Calums reaction. "Y/N! You know Michael, I could tell him you said that" Cal smirked. "No! Please"! You begged.

"But, I really do like him" You muttered, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Really"? He asked. You nodded. "He's so nice to me, and he is really protective and cute" You explained to your best friend. "I guess" Calum shrugged. 

 "What"? You frowned. "Nothing" Calum shrugged. "Calum... Tell me" You said. "Nothings wrong Y/N! Gosh" he snapped, getting up and walking off because he had just heard that you didn't even like him, when he loved you. 

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