How you Two Meet

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You walked into starbucks, holding you scarf against your neck due to the cold weather outside. You looked up, seeing the line and huffed. You sighed taking a step back not realising someone was behind you, making you step on their foot.

"Oh, gosh! Sorry"! You muttered, turning around to be met by blue eyes. "It's all good" he smiled shyly. "I didn't mean to, I wasn't even looking, I'm so clumsy" I rambled on watching the boys eyes light up while he laughed. "What"? You asked. "Nothing" he shook his head smiling at you. "Let me at least buy you, your drink"? You replied.

"Well here" He said handing a 5 dollar note over. "No! That's not how it works" You pushed the note back. He rolled his eyes as you asked what he was getting.

Once you got the barista and ordered the boys and your drink. You waited by until they were called and smiled at him. "Thanks" he said, smiling. "Um, I gotta go. Cya" He said, pushing a note onto the table, with the 5 dollar note sticking out. You opened the note reading it;

thanks for the drink, here's the money and my number *********. Call me? luke xx


You walked into EB Games looking around for Halo 3, for your cousins birthday. You went over to the xbox games, seeing Halo 1 and 2 but not 3. "You looking for this"? You heard a voice say.

You turned around seeing a boy, about 18 holding Halo 3. "Yes I am actually" you said, crossing your arms across your chest. "Can I please have it? It's my cousins birthday tomorrow" You replied.

He looked at you hesitantly, before handing you it. "Thanks" You said, taking the game from him. "Michael" he stated. "What"? You asked confused. "I'm Michael" He replied bluntly. "Y/N..." You said.

"Do you like playing video games, or not"? He asked. "Cause you have a good taste in games... If that makes sense" he said. "Yeah, I play them" you nodded, as you watched his face lite up. "Oh cool! Can I have your number"? He asked. "Uh. sure"? You nodded, giving him your number.


You sighed, walking into your dads work. You see, he wanted you to help him out with putting all of the instruments away and writing stuff down you didn't understand.

You straightened your top, and walked up to the counter seeing a tall figure standing there, typing onto the computer. You coughed politely, making him look up smiling.

"Hi"! You squeaked, looking at him. He was tall, had messy brownish hair and the most gorgeous eyes. "Hey" he smiled. "Can I help"? He asked.

"Um yeah. I'm Y/N, did my dad say anything to you"? You asked. "Oh yeah! Hi. I'm Ashton, I work here" he smiled again.

"Hey Ash, can you help me-"

"Y/N! Finally, Ashton and you can go check all the little numbers on the drums, and write them down. Ashton also plays the drums, don't you"? You dad said, to which Ashton nodded.

You guys both, went around the store talking and by the end of the day you had got his number.


"Y/N! Yours brothers soccer game is on now"! Your mum said through the phone. "Yeah! I'm just grabbing food" you replied, hanging up on her and turning around and bumping into someone.

"Sorry! I'm in a rush kinda" you said. You heard a deep chuckle and looked up. "You gonna watch the game"? He asked. You nodded. "My brother is playing. Do you play"? You asked him. "Yeah, I'm on in 2nd half" he said. "But don't you stay on side"? I asked confused.

"Not really... The coach is used to me waking off" he shrugged. "Oh okay then, well bye" I said. "Wait! What's your name"? He asked. "Y/N" you called.


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